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  1. O

    Flemish Breeders?

    I am in the upper left corner of washingtonstate, making the closest breeders to me 7 hours away, through themountains. Its an absolutely grueling drive, so I was hoping to avoidit with shipping but not if it would hinder the rabbits healthwhatsoever. There are no shows near my area, most are...
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    Flemish Breeders?

    Yeah, I was on there looking at breeders and theyare pretty far from me, so I was curious about shipping because I sawone breeder online who said they shipped but it didn't seem to be verycommon
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    Flemish Breeders?

    I am looking for a flemish breeder and I've foundsome in my state but I am also wondering about ones from other breedersand shipping. Does shipping effect the baby whatsoever?