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  1. Tammy B

    Biting bunny

    I just started having a lil issue like this with Stewie the last couple of days...I thought it was just because of what i had going on and not spending alot of time with him that he might have been getting a lil ticked off about it but he's grunting or growling a lil and takes his time too...
  2. Tammy B

    Tell me about yourselves and your rabbits!

    These are bad pics the camera doesn"t take good pics...The pic of Stewie was when i first got him here..He's been here over a month and seems to have gotten a lil better looking than he was there..The pic of Giz is from a while ago too...In her old age she doesn't seem to like her pic taken...
  3. Tammy B

    Tell me about yourselves and your rabbits!

    Hi I'm Tammy... I had 2 rabbits when i first joined but now i am down to 1...Stewie is a mini lop/mini rex mix i and guessing...Not sure i know he is mini lop/? lol...He's such a character...He's only young not quite sure but i'm guessing 6 months old he was supossed to be from Meadow's last...
  4. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thanks i am feeling much better today still not feeling 100% but much better than yesterday..Vanessa was telling me that it prob came on when everything happened here with Meadow and the kits and yeah it prob didn't help but this is cold and flu season anyway so i coild have picked it up the...
  5. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    So happy to see your baby buns are doing well and getting bigger...They are soo adorable and i agree the pic with the dog was priceless it made me smile and today i needed that :) You are doing well with them and i am sure when the right person comes along they will be adopted....Very cute the...
  6. Tammy B

    Sick Bella

    I would if i were you...I know from my experience this past week..losing my Meadow so fast and quick then her babies 1 by 1 they faded away to nothing and looked absolutely fine 1 minute and gone the next....Your bun is oviously alot older than a 4 day old kit but i have been doing alot of...
  7. Tammy B

    Our Angel Meadow

    My condolences to you and yours on your lil Binky :( Meadow passed and her babies did too...Lil Hope died this morning the last of her littermates@6:47 am this morning...Sad day :in tears:
  8. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thank You JBun.... I could see last night that she had milk in her belly after she died and she was using the bathroom extremely well and didn't seem to have any breathing problems at all...She went to sleep on my chest inside her lil blanket that she was wrapped in after eating and going to...
  9. Tammy B

    Sick Bella

    How is Bella doing?
  10. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thank you Tauntz...I still have papa here and he's such a funny lil dude...He knew something was up last night and this mornin won't leave my side...So i've got him comforting me and i still need to be strong to help aid him in the rest of his recovery..It is ripping my heart apart that i...
  11. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Good Morning Everybody.... Bad News...Hope passed away at 6:47 am....Despite everything i did it wasn't enough...She just couldn't hold on :( I feel like i have failed Meadow....And i have come down pretty sick with the flu overnight as well...I hope this didn't contribute to the kits deaths...
  12. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Just lost kit #3...#4 is still goin strong....Got the milk and preparing to be up all night if that's what it takes to get this lil one through.. Please pray for him/her :in tears: I have him in my hat and on my lap...I'm not letting him/her out of my sight.Tomorrow morning first thing at 8 am...
  13. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Hello Everybody..Vanessa is the best :) 2 of the lil ones died this morning :( The other 2 are doing ok still pretty strong but i am getting scared now they are sooo small and tiny...They have peed on their own and pooped as well as me doing it but i am nervous as the formula i have isn't good...
  14. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Yes you do have to help them go potty i haven't dealt with that much yet..i gave them a small feeding this afternoon but they didn't eat enough i don't think to do anything...I'm goona try here in a few minutes to give them some more and see what happens...I am pretty much broke after traveling...
  15. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thank you ....I'm not sure if i can or not either...I think i have someone on here who's going to try and help me out and try to get some supplies shipped to me....I really loved her in the short time we spent together and i can't bring myself to sit back and do nothing as her babies die :( So...
  16. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thank You for updating my post ...I'm not sure how to edit my posts once i have them updated...At the time i posted this she was still alive.
  17. Tammy B

    A Pocket Pet Toy Giveaway!

    Thanks so much for this new giveaway... I am a new bunny mom and have just lost one of my babes so i'm gonna do this quickly so i can get back to tending to the lil ones who just lost their mamma.
  18. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Thank You so much for the advice everyone but she passed away on the way to the vet ... I have some formula that i am going to try and feed the babies myself to try and give them a chance. Meadow went through alot of stress and trama before i got her here with me and i think that contributed to...
  19. Tammy B

    Our Angel Meadow

    Woke up this morning to a horriable situation with my precious baby girl Meadow.She has babies on monday we were not prepared for this as she was a rescue :(.She had bloat..Not sure why as all the foods i was giving her were just for bunnies...pellets and hay(NO TREATS OR HUMAN FOOD) We never...
  20. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Yes i have contacted the vet..they said sometimes they can get a lil depressed in an older bun when they have babies ...I have not had this before and i am scared i'm going to loose her...I took these guys in from a bad home and didn't know she was pregnant so i am not prepared..I have tried to...