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  1. Tammy B

    Petting/touching rabbits ears

    Stewie loves to be patted the more the better..He loves to have his ears stroked ALL the time ...he'll fall asleep as you do it. Now he didn't like it at first or being patted in general but over these past few wekks i have worked with him on it and it seemed to make a difference.I think it all...
  2. Tammy B

    Magnificent Mini Lops

    Some more of Stewie :love:
  3. Tammy B

    Rescued baby bunny from outside (lion head)

    Great to hear Mariah...Apricot is on the road to recovery :)
  4. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    OMG!!!! They get cutier everytime i see them...How r u ever going to give them up :bunnyheart
  5. Tammy B

    Magnificent Mini Lops

    This is Stewie :bunnyheart
  6. Tammy B

    Which breed?

    Welcome to RO you and Sooty...Very sweet bun she looks like..Sorry to hear she was abused before you got her but she will have all the love she needs now :big for her breed can't even guess on that but there are sites here that you can go to in the forum to help ya out.
  7. Tammy B

    Which breed?

    Thanks for the idea tauntz i am having a hell of a time trying to keep water in with Stewie without the lil bugger dumping it lol...the heavy ceramic bowls would be the ticket :bunny18
  8. Tammy B

    RIP Ricochet

    I am so sorry for your loss :( It is hard losing a pet especially quickly like that. I think of my Meadow everyday and for days after her death also wondered if i could have done something different but sometimes things just happen that we can't explain.Don't beat yourself up..Sounds like she...
  9. Tammy B

    Sick Bella

    OH WOW that is awesome news to hear that she's feeling better...Yay Bella :) As for the dopey juliemaye is probably right she has been on meds for quite sometime now and they are likely making her feel that way. If she is eating,drinking and active i wouldn't worry to much about it but keep a...
  10. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Awesome that may be the idea as i am so far away from everything..Sigh.. i would like him to have more room to run around when i am busy working or out ...I can't leave him to run the house when i can't watch him as he's not completely litterbox trained yet but it's coming :) Still has some...
  11. Tammy B

    Nutritional deficiency Causing Fur Fading

    Was she kept outside? Could it be that she had previous frostbite and the brown patches are the scaring? I have seen similar brown patches like that on dogs ears from frostbite...Not an expert on rabbits but just an idea and a guess.
  12. Tammy B

    Homemade bunny toys!

    How to Make Willow Twig Balls You can make these incredibly cute willow twig balls in minutes. Things You'll Need Willow twigs Floral shears Bucket of water Instructions Cut 4-foot lengths of willow twigs with floral shears. It is best to cut them just after winter before...
  13. Tammy B

    Please welcome Charlie!

    :welcome1 to RO Charlie
  14. Tammy B

    Just Chillin' with Wilbur Wabbit

    Hahahaha Crystalkate that's what i was wondering too :) Awesome to see him so relaxed and feeling at home.
  15. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    OMG!!! is right....I wish i could have watched mine grow up it looks like soo much entertainment :hearts
  16. Tammy B

    Bella's Story

    Congrats on your new bun Bella!! Rescues are awesome..My bun Stewie is a rescue that i just got 6 weeks ago and he is awesome.He doesn't want to leave my side he has decided that this is home and that is that,I am glad you are having a easy time with her settling in. Look forward to seeing pics...
  17. Tammy B

    RIP Ricochet

    R.I.P Ricochet :bunnyangel2:
  18. Tammy B

    Looking for a bunny friend

    Wow that lil white guy is adorable..i never thought of having an angora for a pet..i currently have a rescued mini lop/mini rex mix although i'm not too sure about the mini rex part..he's roughly 6 months old that i can guess not too sure though lol but he's a cutie..he is sooo adorable... loves...
  19. Tammy B

    My (Long) Introduction!

    sounds awesome Julie..nothing better than trying to help animals find a forever home...i think you will enjoy every minute of it..i did knowing that even me just 1 loney person was making a difference in an animals life :) i am very thankful for Stewie and that he is still with me...he still...
  20. Tammy B

    My (Long) Introduction!

    You will always get the people that just think if they are not a cat or a dog they are not pets..Unbelievable i know but rabbits are starting to become more and more popular as pets as the years have gone on...My grandad used to raise rabbits for meat...I had alot more in my rescue than just...