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  1. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    Okay I took him to the vet. She came from home and met me up there. She did X-rays and said that the blockage may be clearing up actually, but he is so full of gas and there is still no signs of forming poops She injected him with more reglan and fluids and told me to increase his dosage to...
  2. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    I have to go back to work. I am going to see if my vet can take him and have my sis bring him. that or he is going to emergency pray please
  3. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    Oh my god I'm so scared he is still eating but not pooping his stomach is giant and hard. They are calling my vet at home and I'm desperately trying to find another vet nearby that does bunnies. I can't lose him he's my life:( Still getting reglan and water syringed and metacam and i dont...
  4. iluvmybuns

    considering getting my bun a girlfriend...

    Sorry bout your baby girl, that's so sad:( Yep the shelter I volunteer at let me bring Pepsi in to find a friend. I came home with Ozzy and they are inseperable (Literally sometimes:shock:) But yeah, then you'll be able to see the ones that will be a really tough time bonding. And be able...
  5. iluvmybuns

    Will your bun help out other buns?

    Okay now THAT is really adorable. My Ozzy has been going through a bout of Stasis and the whole past two days Pepsi won't leave his side she just keeps grooming him and getting in between us when I try to take him out to give him meds. It's so sweet when they're that bonded isn't it...
  6. iluvmybuns

    Now what?

    So Ozzy got his injections this morning. He got his Reglan and the fluids under his skin, and I gave him his second dose of Reglan tonight. SHe gave me Metacam which I gave him right when I got home today. Like 12 hrs ago He is eating hay and pellets and drinking some water. He is still...
  7. iluvmybuns

    I started the bonding

    I was so scared to bond mine, I made Haley come over and help me!! About the other thing...ahem...I think if he's neutered that shouldnt be able to happen...right?Haha, I dunno, I'm guessing there... (I'm assuming theyre fixed if your letting them mount eachother) Im glad everyone made...
  8. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Okay this is the second try at this post. Stupid internet. Thanks Haley, for upadating. I am a crazy woman right now after the night I had. My vet is the most amazing lady. She said I could keep them there but I decided I could handle him (With the forums help of course). She also gave me her...
  9. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Well he was eating earlier you're right. So I'm hoping maybe we can pass this up. Hot rice sock Simethicone Metacam (Only a tiny bit) Did those and I'm going to get in the cage and do some rubbing I'll check back in a few min to see if you guys have come up with anything else.
  10. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Okay I haven't seen him poop since I brought them home from my sister's at around 9. But there were a few weird little hard ones in the litterbox that I bet were him. I gave him 3 doses of simethicone in the last 3 hrs, one dropper at a time. He weighs 4.5 lbs I'm scared. I'll do the hot rice...
  11. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Okay now it's bad I need help. He hasn't pooped or moved from one spot. I gave him some metacam and more simethicone. I don't know what else to do help??????? Do I need to take him to the emergency clinic???? I think he is in full blown stasis?? His tummy is really hard. Oh my god you guys
  12. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Okay he just got another dropper full. I'm not pushing too much since he still seems to be doing everything on his own. I am trying to get a little sleep on the in between though, at least he doesn't seem to be so hunched over anymore, he hopped up on the other level. Any idea how to make him...
  13. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Okay I got a little bit of the simethicone in him. Hopefully he got enough to start helping. I wish I could tell if he was pooping but the thing is, he and Pepsi are all smooshed together loving on eachother and I don't want to seperate them. They seem to need eachother right now after all the...
  14. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    I'll try when Al gets home. For now he keeps grooming Pepsi and himself. It's cute but the fur can't be helping. Seems to be getting pretty uncomfortable. Hopefully he will let me hold and feed him some meds soon. I really think it will do wonders he is just too stubborn
  15. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    His belly is still huge but he will not sit still for me enough to get the medicine in him. I want to at least get the simethicone in him once.:(
  16. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Thanks Amy, we appreciate it over here in Spiderville:)
  17. iluvmybuns

    Nadia's Bonding Blog

    This is so neat. I am definately referring to this thread when I adopt another bun at the shelter....... It's so hard going everyweek and NOT taking someone home!! P.S. It is so funny I keep reading this and I see Charlie and Oliver and it's cracking me up because my friend's name is Charlie...
  18. iluvmybuns

    Ozzy :( he really is sick....

    Well here is the whole thing... I think I have it under control but if sometime tonight I need to come on and ask questions I'd like to get the background out of the way My sister calls me and says Ozzy's sick go check on him (They were staying with her) He wasn't interested in his greens and...
  19. iluvmybuns

    Whats on the daily menu?

    Mine are simple eaters, too, Diana. 1/4 cup each of Oxbow basics t pellets every morning All the hay their little hearts desire. They get craisins for treats. The only time they get veggies is when I have them. I never go grocery shopping so I run out of their bunny salad a couple...
  20. iluvmybuns

    Harsh chemicals and buns

    Okay well they did it and guess what??? When I got home through the fumes, I see a spider crawling on my wall!!! Maybe he was dying but...oh man, how pointless was bombing it? Anyway, I washed the floors and vaccuumed and wiped down the surfaces they go near a lot Anoyone know if it's safe to...