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  1. iluvmybuns

    Thanksgiving thanks-

    Last night I was leaving my boyfriend's parents house. I had just pulled onto the main road going over the bridge overtop the expressway. My car hit ice and spun 3 times. It slammed sideways into the guardrail and literally tipped over and I thought I was falling onto the the expressway. Thank...
  2. iluvmybuns

    Need help with litter training

    Haha that might be mean but they'd learn quick.... No I could just put them with the pokeys down so at least it protects my sheets...Geez. Then I guess I'll have to spend a few nights watching them with the water bottle.... I guess if this is my biggest problem I shouldn't be complaining...
  3. iluvmybuns

    Need Advice - Lil Worried

    Uhm when I lived downtown (Detroit that is) I carried apepper sprayon my key chain and a stun gun in my purse.....You can get them online however they aren't exactly something you want the police to know you have but, hey, I felt safe...
  4. iluvmybuns

    Need help with litter training

    OOh the shower curtain is a good idea if they don't burrow under it. Haha, they don't do it when I'm in the bed. That would be pretty funny though... I have tried the other litterboxes thing before and it never worked they always just pick one... and then poop next to the...
  5. iluvmybuns


    I don't know what happened but, I never got mine:?
  6. iluvmybuns

    Poop monitoring with bonded bunnies

    Usually if something is wrong you can tell behaviorally if you know your buns well. When Ozzy got sick I knew one wasn't well because there was significantly less poops in the box. But it was obvious which bunny it was considering his behavior. I guess if they were both acting normal and one...
  7. iluvmybuns

    Need help with litter training

    Pepsi and Ozzy are not caged. They have free roam of my bedroom all day and night. They have always been very good about litter habits. (both fixed adults) A few months ago I stopped sleeping in my bed (Yeah im weird) And in the last few weeks they have deciced it is their new giant...
  8. iluvmybuns

    Rest in Peace Simon

    Oh no sweetie I'm so sorry!! Call me if you need to Rest in Peace little Simon
  9. iluvmybuns

    Christmas Trees

    JimD wrote: I want to do that!!!!!!!!!:biggrin2:
  10. iluvmybuns

    Storing Hay

    A giant massive rubbermaid might need 2 for a whole bale unless you're a really good smoosher;) But I love it cause it doesn't smell like hay all the time anymore
  11. iluvmybuns


    Yepp that happened to us too, Pepsi started humping Ozzy out of nowhere, I freaked about it but within a day or two Oz was exactly the same way Rupert was. She definately knew before I did that he was sick.
  12. iluvmybuns

    BK very ill (RIP)

    :pray:Poor guys are in my thoughts
  13. iluvmybuns

    Bunnys moving

    I don't know what to do guys...I went over there last night and I just don't know. They'll be in the basement in the dark, there is no natural light in the room they have to be in. I'm so scared of the dogs getting them, I just don't know what to do. I am going to see if my sister can take...
  14. iluvmybuns

    Bunnys moving

    Yeah we are in an apartment right now, but in December we are moving in with his parents. They have 2 dogs. They won't be allowed in the room where the bunnies are, I am just super paranoid and would never be able to live with myself if something were to happen. I don't know how to make a...
  15. iluvmybuns

    Bunnys moving

    Well I'm moving too, but yeah, anyway, my boyfriend and I are subleasing the apartment in Decemeber for 3 months till we buy a house in March. That way we have time to save some cash for the downpayment. We are staying with his parent rent free (How amazing of them) But here is the thing...
  16. iluvmybuns

    Fallen in love...

    I know how that goes....Every week I get that "I NEED to bring her home" feeling. Deep sigh. If we did it every time we'd all end up our own private shelters I have one sweet little baby myself that every single week it breaks my heart to set her down and walk away....... We're all big...
  17. iluvmybuns

    Death Cab for Cutie Video

    Oh my god I've always loved that song but I never saw that till now. Now I'm bawling too!! Oh man.
  18. iluvmybuns


    Yesterday's News. Never tried anything else, but I see no sense in fixing something that isn't broken :)
  19. iluvmybuns

    My bunny is a poop machine!

    My spayed girl did that when I moved furniture around. But I agree, I'd go to the vet just to make sure.......
  20. iluvmybuns

    2 Years Ago Tomorrow

    Aw how sweet!! Happy anniversary!!!!