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  1. iluvmybuns


    ohhhh YAAAAYYYYY I am so glad it's working out for yah!!
  2. iluvmybuns


    If I could foster her for yah for a few days is there anyway that you could come get her from somewhere closer to me?
  3. iluvmybuns

    Yay! I'm officially....

    Haha I know I already fell in love with a sweet Rex girl. She let me carry her sround the whole time I was there almost. SO soft I love their fur and she is soooo sweet! Well, come March....I'll have waaay more space and 2 more bedrooms...Thats means...MORE BUNS!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
  4. iluvmybuns

    Chew sticks

    Sweet thanks guys!!
  5. iluvmybuns


    Yeah that's a little far, plus I can ONLY do Sunday or Monday. I work 9am to 7pm Tues-Saturday, Sorry!! Hope you can figure something out!! Going to Grand Rapids was not too big of a deal... if I was off work :?
  6. iluvmybuns

    Yay! I'm officially....

    a volunteer for Midwest Rabbit Rescue!!! Yay go me! I love the buns there they are soooo wonderful. Pepsi and Ozzy were mad though when I got home! Oops! I left my shoes by the front door and they decided to POOP all around them. Haha, they are a little touchy I guess! Sorry this post was...
  7. iluvmybuns

    URGENT rehome: 25 bunnies in AZ

    I'll give her a few more days then I'll call her. She probably just has sooo much on her plate right now she might just be checking the emails and deciding to reply when she has time/feels better.
  8. iluvmybuns

    I need foster or permanent homes in Michigan!

    Perfect. I'm in. Haley?
  9. iluvmybuns

    URGENT rehome: 25 bunnies in AZ

    That was the last I heard from her too, I sent her an Email inquiring if she hada specific gender/age and she never responded.....I'm not a good caller either, anyone else heard from her at all??
  10. iluvmybuns

    I need foster or permanent homes in Michigan!

    Like I said as long as it's a Sunday or a Monday I'll drive to Grand Rapids and meet you wherever your parents will get you to. As long as we can all agree on a date, we're all set.
  11. iluvmybuns

    Chew sticks

    I have been ordering from Farmer Dave but I feel like it is kinda overpriced for a tiny envelope of uhm yah know, twigs!!!! SO anyone have a better place to get them? If I keep doing this I get 2 bags and with shipping its like 12$ and it lasts uhm lets see a week? Not gunna fly, but they love...
  12. iluvmybuns

    Bar rattling

    Uhm yeah. Ozzy does that all the time. He grabs any bar and shakes. The funny part is, I don't close the door. He just walks in there and then acts like he can't get out and shakes vigorously. I have to call him out of there sometimes. Maybe they do like it? Or he's just really really stupid hahaha
  13. iluvmybuns

    What comical names did your bunnies nearly get named?

    Uhm whenI got Pepsi her name actually was Slippery Pete Ann Peterson. I changed it to Petey. Then the gender fairy visited....... Ozzy was already named although I was thinking I would change his name to go with Pepsi, Like Diet haha, or Cola. But I was nice.
  14. iluvmybuns

    New to bunny ownership with questions

    Great minds think alike huh Jim? Didn't even see your post yet till I posted mine! P.S. StargazerLily- Be prepared to become a bunny addict like the rest of us and just keep wanting more!!! They're so wonderful!!!
  15. iluvmybuns

    New to bunny ownership with questions

    First of all, WELCOME!! I'm Julia:biggrin2: It sounds like you know WAY more about rabbits than whoever wrote that care sheet (that is scary that people are getting those) You are 100% right about the diet. Switch slowly and Oxbow is what my babies get. And all the timothy hay their little...
  16. iluvmybuns


    That is so lame haha she is SO lucky she is cute!
  17. iluvmybuns

    I need foster or permanent homes in Michigan!

    This is Julia...being down for whatever. :)I can go to Midwest on Monday to help out if we are needed tomorrow. Haley and Silvie you guys have my cell number. Call me and let me know what's up cause I need to go to sleep my eyes hurt.
  18. iluvmybuns

    Nadia's Bonding Blog

    I am seriously going to study this. When I have a house I plan on fostering buns and I know I'll end uo wanting to bond someone to my two.
  19. iluvmybuns

    I need foster or permanent homes in Michigan!

    If it makes a difference I have talked to Silvie a lot on here and I honestly thought she was my age, at least(22) from our conversations. I had a situation not too long ago where a friend was wanting me to find her bun a home. I was going to have Silvie adopt her because I knew how happy...
  20. iluvmybuns

    Garrrr, I hate you, hair dye box.

    Yeah haha I hate ALL hair dye boxes. But in my Professional Opinion (love saying that hehe) You look hot with dark hair. And BTW even if you look goth you look Hot-Goth and you can just punch the stupid people in the face:biggrin2: