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  1. Michaela

    They cut my hours at work

    Ugh, sorry about this. :( I work in a grocery shop, it's not too bad, very dull, but easy work. I'd rather would in a big supermarket though, they seem to treat you better from what my friends say. Do you get EMA? I know it isn't much but the extra £30 a week is a big help to me.
  2. Michaela

    Is my bun a MALE or Female?

    Glad you got that all sorted out! :D
  3. Michaela

    What do you use for your rabbits that is not specifically aimed for rabbits?

    NZminilops wrote: LOL me too Michelle! Sorry Pennie!
  4. Michaela

    Snow - Whole country is virtually at a standstill!

    Not fair! We didn't get any snow! :( I was hopeful during the week, but it's not going to happen. I really wanted a snow day! I just checked the weather and it's given light snow showers so it won't lie. Oh well, I am going to New Hampshire in two weeks for skiing so I'll see plenty of snow...
  5. Michaela

    New member =D.

    Welcome Rachael! :wave: Aww look at Merlin he's so cute! Enjoy posting. :)
  6. Michaela

    HI from illinois

    Welcome Liz! :)
  7. Michaela

    Considering getting another rabbit(s)

    Hi Rachel! I'm glad you're thinking about this, you are a great bunny owner! I think you should get a pair, definitely, like everyone's said they can keep each other company. A bonded pair don't need human attention all the time, they will be more than happy in just each others company for long...
  8. Michaela

    What do you use for your rabbits that is not specifically aimed for rabbits?

    Hmm, let's see.. I use NIC grids, Cat little trays and litter, baby blankets, plastic boxes for sandpits, big pipes for tunnels, cardboard boxes, bird toys, cat toys - a lot of cat things actually, Snugglesafe... huh we really don't use much that's designed for rabbits do we? :p Guess maybe it's...
  9. Michaela

    Please think of Dotty!

    Aww I missed this earlier. I'm so glad Dotty is making a good recovery and it all went well! :)
  10. Michaela

    Twilight Saga *SPOILERS*

    Bunnys_rule63 wrote: My whole year has gone crazy for Twilight, looking around a free period nearly all the girls are reading them. Actually, it's the whole school, you see the books being passed about in the corridors all the time. It's so funny! :D
  11. Michaela

    Members From Northern Ireland

    I don't feel patriotic to either. If I'm asked my nationality I say Northern Irish.
  12. Michaela

    Bye to our Sweet Lilly

    Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I'll bet she had a great life with you, she must have been happy. Binky free Lilly. :rainbow:
  13. Michaela

    Chest piece bunny tattoo!

    Oh Amy that is gorgeous! :hearts Your tattoo artist is soo good!
  14. Michaela

    United Kingdon

    There is a separate UK Forum :D
  15. Michaela

    Dia duit!

    Fixed. :)
  16. Michaela

    Zee's Zany Zoo - 2009

    Ooooh shiny new blog! :wave: Beautiful pictures!:hearts What happened to Whiz? I'm really sorry, I missed that. :(
  17. Michaela

    A day in the life of Michelle & Pets

    Oh I missed that Ceara may be pregnant! That will be exciting! Yay baby bunners! :D Ahh the ratties are so cute, I really really want ratties, it's so unfair. :disgust:
  18. Michaela

    The Degerfield Bunnies

    Awww that the cutest picture of the pair of them! :hearts More please! :D
  19. Michaela

    Fleece as bedding? Litter training?

    I use fleece on the upper levels of my NIC cage, and it works well as long as your rabbit doesn't pee on it, or eat it. But I agree with the others, bedding in the whole cage is not necessary. Here is the Library thread on litter training, lots of good tips in there for training them. Once...
  20. Michaela


    I looooove them! :inlove: Daft is the word for them! Ruby is the silliest thing I ever saw, and Pebble was almost as bad! They are a lot of fun though. In my experience they are very friendly and loving. Someday, I really want a REW rex, that's my dream rabbit.