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  1. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    So glad to have the live shows again! :D I can't believe Rikki is there he makes me feel sick he is so so so so so average, how did evil Cheryl put him through over Ethan? :X I don't mind J&E, they aren't good singers but they are entertaining I think, imo they would do well in some other line...
  2. Michaela

    Well I got some art graded..

    You are definitely talented enough to keep art on, lovely pictures! But make sure you are prepared to put in the hard work, because Art and Design at GCSE is a lot. I know a few people who couldn't handle the workload and dropped it. But those who enjoy art don't seem to mind the extra time...
  3. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    Ugh, I had read the spoilers and hoped a few of them were wrong, but they got them spot on. Simon picked quite well, I would have picked Daniel from Popstars over that horrid teacher, but I like Olly and Jamie. Dannii picked well too, those three are definitely the best singers, but I don't...
  4. Michaela

    How do you feel about yourself?

    I've been told that I'm high maintenance, trying to change that... I used to be very shy, but not anymore, in the last few years I've really improved that. I'm fine with crowds in a nightclub or bar, or anywhere really except in a clothes shop, I hate that. I can make my own decisions most of...
  5. Michaela

    X-Factor 2009!!

    Thank god the auditions are over, I'm really looking forward to the live shows! I love Ethan, and I really like Stacey McLean (NOT the one with the baby, the one with dark hair). So most likely neither will be through. I also like Jamie Afro, I think, I need to see a bit more of him. I don't...
  6. Michaela

    Professor Layton

    I'm getting it, probably not until Christmas though. It's called Professor Layton & Pandora's Box here. I loved the first one and am excited for the second. Also looking forward to Scribblenauts.
  7. Michaela

    I will be married next time I come online!!

    Congratulations, Jen. :) You looked beautiful, glad you had such a good day.
  8. Michaela

    I'm moving out!!!

    Good luck!! :D You will have a great time at uni. Are you going into halls for the first year or do you have a house? I think I'm going to apply to Manchester, let me know if it's good.
  9. Michaela


    Got my shoes. :) Spent £40 on them which I wasn't really planning on doing but I can wear them again at least not like the dress. They are silver and the heel is about 5 inches which gets the dress off the ground.
  10. Michaela


    Aww T! Yeah I realised how strict it is with underage drinking when I went over to the US at the start of the year - not that we were trying to get it or anything but the people there told us so so often how it was not acceptable. They are far too relaxed about it here, underage drinking and...
  11. Michaela


    No we're not allowed to drink at the actual formal. :grumpy: There's a bar at the after party though, teachers won't be at it. My school is far too strict for that. Very few are 18 yet to be fair, as we have it so early in the year. And I have seen most of my year out.... with 150 of us it...
  12. Michaela


    I have everything now except shoes and a bag, but I'll get them tomorrow. There won't be time to have anything done to the dress now, and this is costing me so much already I'm depending on my EMA and won't be getting it for a few weeks yet so I can't afford to spend money on things I don't have...
  13. Michaela


    My dress arrived and it fits thank god. It's a little long though so I'm going to to have to get killer heels. I better start looking for a pair.
  14. Michaela

    Backup, backup, and then backup some more!

    Ugh sorry you lost those pictures Jen. =/ I really need to do a backup of my files actually, I have some saved on disks but I should just get an external hard drive I think.
  15. Michaela


    Thanks everyone! The dress should be arriving tomorrow morning and I'm off school so I can get everything sorted, and look for shoes etc. I'm having my hair trial tomorrow too so I'll be able to get the whole effect, kinda. I'll post pictures from the night, maybe. Cait thanks for sharing your...
  16. Michaela

    Windows Vista vs. XP

    I like Vista. :) I used to think it was very slow, but now I'm thinking that was just our desktop, as I got a new Dell Laptop and it runs so well on it. None of the problems I used to have opening Windows Explorer or iTunes. And I much much prefer the overall look of Vista to XP. But I don't...
  17. Michaela


    I think the rest of you call this prom but we call it the formal. :) Gah my school formal is next Friday and I have only just ordered my dress most people have had them for weeks I'm so behind. I still need to get shoes, a bag, jewellery, book hair and tan appointments.. I ordered this dress...
  18. Michaela

    What are other forums you go on?

    I've registered on literally hundreds of forums on loads of different topics I wouldn't have a clue what half of them were. I don't post a lot anywhere though, mainly just lurk, especially on a few tennis boards, Digital Spy, Mario Kart.
  19. Michaela

    Your Favourite Alcoholic Drink

    pinksalamander wrote: I don't like them either, they are disgusting, Sambuca actually makes me gag lord knows why I drink it. I never order it the shots I just drink it and ask what it was after! xD Apple Sourz is definitely one of the nicer ones though, nice as a shot or with lemonade...
  20. Michaela

    This is so difficult!

    I agree with Flashy, a shed is the way to go for a large rabbit. You won't find a hutch big enough for those size of rabbits I'm afraid. I'm just wondering about your weather in Texas though, I guess it gets really hot in summer, you'd need to put fans in there to keep the rabbits cool.