Windows Vista vs. XP

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
My mother just recently bought a Vista machine, and is keeping her old XP computer as a backup.

I am really unimpressed/disappointed with Vista. Everything seems to take longer... windows take longer to open, and programs freeze more often.

What is your take on Vista?
The #1 probem I had with Vista vs. XP, this morning, was, I copied some picture files onto a CD from my mother's XP machine, and tried to put those in a folder on the new Vista computer. The Vista computer didn't like it at all, and I had to reboot it. Every time, the message from the Vista computer was, there was an error in the "file base", which I assume means it doesn't like the fact the pictures originated from XP.

I'm just hoping Windows 7 clears all of this up. :)
Change the display settings to look like XP. Also, turn off the UAC (user account control.) Should help.

I liked Vista once I learned how to set it up.
Vista is terrible you should get Windows 7 it's ironed out all the problems that Vista had and will be free until july 17 of next year.
Here is my comparisson of vista vs xp........ Vista = crap and xp = great, think that about sums it up and even if you take off UAC I find it still won't load some files or programmes without running it through administrater it's just generally useless
From what I've heard, Vista is very resource heavy. Just having it takes up so much of your system resources, it will make everything slow, unless you have a pretty beefy machine.

I still run XP, myself.
I've never had a Vista but I have used my sisters Vista laptop and I don't see much difference between the two, although I do think Vista is slower then XP. I can't believe they are bringing out a new Windows, my computer is getting old!
UAC gets in the way of a lot. Turn it off in control panel. Running as administrator is also way less hassle but has obvious risks. Vista is challenging. I have still avoided it like the plague. I just bought a laptop for my great aunt but am considering putting xp on it because of speed and supportability. If she calls with a Vista problem I will be clueless and I'm sure short of maybe a geek squad no one I know can figure Vista out.
I like Vista. :)
I used to think it was very slow, but now I'm thinking that was just our desktop, as I got a new Dell Laptop and it runs so well on it. None of the problems I used to have opening Windows Explorer or iTunes. And I much much prefer the overall look of Vista to XP. But I don't know much about operating systems and only use my Laptop for Internet, Music and Films. And I guess school work now too.
A new computer with plenty of memory and speed shouldn't be so slow opening and running programs. I sure hope Windows 7 is a better OS. My mother has a free upgrade coming, whenever it's released.
Vista is Microsofts big flop. Its horrible, they pushed it far too early and it wasn't ready, its just too big for the current power of most machines. You'll hear a lot in the computer world about how big of a mess it is. IMO I wouldn't use Vista unless the machine I had was very high-powered. The best option when you buy a new computer is to go to an independent retailer and ask them to build you one. If you find a well trusted retailer they can give you the best value and power for what you actually need and will usually work to a budget. I was advised when I got a new machine not to go for Vista at all even though the machine was powerful.
I wasnt impressed with vista at all. I am planning on rebooting my system with Windows 7 (I had the trial version and it is pretty amazing)
Vista McSucks. I have it on my Dell Inspiron 1501, and would happily take it off if I had the boot discs made for the day when I want it back :p

Found a copy of XP while I was sorting junk though, so who knows what I'll do?
XP supported software from 89, no problemo. Dosbox for Vista is a terror that I can't deal with adequately, so I'm mourning my old games right now.
I have been using Vista for 2 years now and have had no problems with it. At first it was just the annoyance of adapting to a new system- after having XP for several years. So my take is: XP or Vista- either one works for me.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I have Vista on my new Laptop and dont find it slow at all. Once you disable the Allow thing it's great

What is the "Allow thing"? Is that Allow updates? I've aready turned that off, but it still opens programs more slowly than XP, and freezes much more often.
Bunnymom,K wrote:
I have been using Vista for 2 years now and have had no problems with it. At first it was just the annoyance of adapting to a new system- after having XP for several years. So my take is: XP or Vista- either one works for me.

My mother's new computer is a pretty robust desktop machine with a fast processor and lots of RAM.

What are your computer's specs? I'm amazed you haven't noticed a slower opening of programs or freezing problems.
Gordon wrote:
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I have Vista on my new Laptop and dont find it slow at all. Once you disable the Allow thing it's great

What is the "Allow thing"? Is that Allow updates? I've aready turned that off, but it still opens programs more slowly than XP, and freezes much more often.
The Allow thing is windows asking permission to do anything. My sister turned my off as soon as i got it.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Gordon wrote:
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
I have Vista on my new Laptop and dont find it slow at all. Once you disable the Allow thing it's great

What is the "Allow thing"? Is that Allow updates? I've aready turned that off, but it still opens programs more slowly than XP, and freezes much more often.
The Allow thing is windows asking permission to do anything.  My sister turned my off as soon as i got it.

I'll have to look into that, more. Mighty polite of it to ask for permission, but it slows everything down.
I also have both, my desktop/tower runs XP Home and I use that for my graphics works, photo sharing online and my 'side job' of photographer(Weddings, etc) I keep that stored on the tower. My lap top I do everything else. It is literally my personal computer. I keep track of my tv shows, my online forums, emails, fanfics(Yes i'm a bit of a junkie with my Flashpoint and Numb3rs fanfics) and my monthly animal pictures.

My biggest problem with Vista was networking back to the XP machines. MY laptop is the only computer in our network that ran Vista. both of my brothers(Lap and Desk) tops both ahd XP, my dad's had XP and my tower.Takes a little provocation.

Comes down to it, Once I let my uncle get my laptop set well(He's a programmer and his work computer runs Vista Pro, I've got Vista Home) I haven't had a lick of problem with it. My uncle suggested to me to wait until service pack 1 comes out for Window's 7 before you buy it. Typically the 1st service pack irons things out, that's his suggestion. I think it'll be a while before I buy another new computer, I just simply can't afford them.

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