I plucked up courage to get some drawings graded.
(most you have seen before)
A + and comment- "well done beautiful picture"
A+ and comment "well done, your friend must be lucky to have got this"
A and comment, "excellant work"
A *
inkbouce: (my firist) no commet added, no room
A and comment "very personal and senstitive"
A and commet "excellant" and stamp
A + comment "excellant" and stamp
I have another one but its not on the laptop, ill scan it tomorow
But my question is, Should i keep art on as a subject next year????
(most you have seen before)

A + and comment- "well done beautiful picture"

A+ and comment "well done, your friend must be lucky to have got this"

A and comment, "excellant work"

A *

A and comment "very personal and senstitive"

A and commet "excellant" and stamp

A + comment "excellant" and stamp
I have another one but its not on the laptop, ill scan it tomorow
But my question is, Should i keep art on as a subject next year????