hahahaha Fraggles you is soooo funny. Daisy Mae is sooo small she can sits in a small salad bowl and weigh on a mini scale. My ears weighs more than she does.
if you check out the nutritional values in the library Martins little friends tends to be higher in fat and lower in fibre than Oxbow. Protein in martins is 15 % for less active 16 in regular. Fat is 2.5, fibre 18 - 22 % in less active and 3.5 and 15 -18 % in the regular. Compare to oxbow which...
under the article in the same area Lowering Blood Calcium - Rabbit House Society - " many veterinarians are advising clients whose rabbits have urinary/bladder problems to decrease the amount of calcium in their rabbits diets". Having lost Benjamin last year to bladder sludge and the...
Sooska - Daisy Mae and the rest of the bunnies are in the path and might be getting a severe winter storm. Anyone else in the Ontario area is getting severe weather
I would definitely try just giving it to her at the same time. Better than the fight. Benebac is also a good one. I would stay away from kale and spinach for sure. They are very high in oxylates and calcium. Cilantro, parsley in limited amounts, endive lettuce - the curly kind not the belgium...
Ours are soft brown, really chubby with fat little fluffy tails. Super smart little guys. Seen one in the cherry tree yesterday eating the old dried cherries. Had a few nest in the attic, they are particularly smelly and a wee bit of a nuisance.
hahaha they grow to over 300 pounds. You may just have to pay a little more. The bunny pumpkin is super cute. They were saying on the radio today that a fast and easy way to carve a pumpkin is to use metal cookie cutters that you hit with a mallet. Hmmm with my luck I would miss and just bash...
I thought that my friend Houdini and his late wife Cinderella looks absolutely adorable. I am thinking that the pekinese doggies looks surprising alike to a angora bunny. Possible it should be the dog that is worried nots the oder way arounds.
I sent her a text but have not heard anything back. It could be that cell phone resception is out along with the electricity. Glad that the rest of you are alright. Will post if I hear something.
Oh I is so glad daat you is back in your big houses and dat everything is alright. I was scared for my bunny friends. Good thing dat the hooman broughts you inside where it was safe and warm. Better dan becoming a bunny kite.
I think that the Muffet did you a favour. She ates the cilantro so you didn't has to. I think that cilantro is disgusting and yucky, and mom won't lets me kiss her after I eats it. You is lucky that the Muffet loves you enough to prevent you from having to eats that stuff.
Oh Miss Muppet, you has got to stay. You is so cute and fuzzy. Fraggles is just be mean because although she is big and beautiful, she is not soft and fuzzy like you. I didn't sign it either, as I has many muppet friends. Fraggles should be thanking you for eating that yuckky disgusting...