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  1. C

    new rabbit

    well,we only have the one rabbit for now i guesshe wants to wait on another one,we do have alot of pets lol but i dohave another question,we put her out to run around the house 2 or 3times a day,we go to her cage to try and pet her and she makes thatnoise like uuurrr so i say fine and leave her...
  2. C

    new rabbit

    thanks so much everybody,i really appreciate it,i will surely ask when i need more help THANKS AGAIN
  3. C

    new rabbit

    ok thanks for all the help send anything you want to lol
  4. C

    new rabbit

    hey all,:?thanks alot for all yourhelp,well,he was going to get another female from the same place he gotthe first one[i wasn't there}i guess they were all in the same bigcage,all i need is more problems,i'm sure he wouldn't want to spendmore money on another cage,it was 50 as it was am i...
  5. C

    new rabbit

    you're joking right?how do we ever know what theywant and need?i read the cheat sheet but come on you know?she juststarted coming around us more when she is out, sniffing us and pushingher nose into our leg,that's good progress from what i understand inthe couple days i've had her:P,all i know...
  6. C

    new rabbit

    oh ok thanks alot her name is hoppity,{my 7 yearold named her}she looks about the same size,today she made a noise likehmmmph.anybody know what that means?she did do the happy bunny dancewhich i read is a good thing,i must be doing something right lol
  7. C

    new rabbit

    hello,she looks like your bunny but white and i'mtrying to learn all this stuff about her lol,we got her from somepeople that raises them,we let her run around the house then put her inthe cage and on and on,i was wondering how much cabbage and apples andcarrots to give her a day?just keep...
  8. C

    new rabbit

    Hello,I'm new here and we just got a bunny 2 daysago,any tips would be greatly appreciated,I also was wondering why shethumps her foot sometimes? Also,is one bunny going to be ok alonewithout another bunny? I also have 2 dogs that want to play withher,will they all get along,or scare...