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  1. HiddlesKenway

    Day 33, Nest Built, Milk Flowing, No Labour

    No I don't blame her, I would be trying the more natural route first but there is a few ways to bring on her body's natural oxytocin. It can't hurt to try this at this point, if mine doesn't litter down tonight I'll be giving this a shot. Get the buck and the doe together and let the buck...
  2. HiddlesKenway

    Day 33, Nest Built, Milk Flowing, No Labour

    That's no good. Nothing. She's just laying around getting up every now and then to munch on hay or her pellet chaff mix, I picked her grass a few times and she ate it ALL. Didn't leave one piece! Her belly feels a bit hard and kit movement has dropped quite a bit, I'm hoping she has them soon...
  3. HiddlesKenway

    Lavender: First time mum

    I know, I've been breeding Dwarf Lops for years. It's just most of my does deliver exactly on the 31st day and I've had a few litters during the day before when I had NZ Whites as colony pets when I was younger but it was always the more relaxed does like my dear sweet first ever bun, Hopzy. I...
  4. HiddlesKenway

    New Baby Buns

    Keep it up, your doing good when their bellies are big and round then it should be enough.
  5. HiddlesKenway

    Lavender: First time mum

    Day 32 Still nothing, she's eating the same amount and I can still feel the kits inside, I'm getting a bit worried although as I've never had a doe go past day 32. She hasn't nested again since day 29 and she's constantly eating, especially hay. I'm 95% sure she's pregnant and I think she's...
  6. HiddlesKenway

    Day 33, Nest Built, Milk Flowing, No Labour

    Hey, MuddyAcres I'm in the same position with one of my does, it's day 32 nearing the end but she's made no nest or anything. Late day 29 she was picking up hay and moving it to her favourite corner as well (But I cleaned the cage as it was needed.) The kits are awful active too, kicking...
  7. HiddlesKenway

    New Baby Buns

    Don't over feed them and make sure you help them go to the toilet use a wet warm tissue or paper towel tip and just lightly touch their bottoms with it and they should go to the toilet because if mum won't feed them she definitely isn't doing that for them either.
  8. HiddlesKenway

    help my bunny has had 2 surprise litters

    She should accept them back as it's only been a day or two they still need mum's milk as they're only four weeks, you really shouldn't of separated them to begin with.
  9. HiddlesKenway

    Hermaphrodite rabbit?

    I'm doing a bit of research now and it appears that it's not uncommon for this sort of occurrence to happen in a rabbit but rarer when not dealing with interbreeding which I assume your breeder would know how to line breed properly if your bun does have any interbreeding in her. So that would be...
  10. HiddlesKenway

    Hermaphrodite rabbit?

    Could you get a better picture of the top one please? Perhaps closer and press a bit harder on it? It's looking very odd to me! And I've never wrongly sex a bun unless it was just two weeks! Oh dear, this is strange. It could be a gland infection or some sort as well.
  11. HiddlesKenway

    Lavender: First time mum

    Day 31, her due date. This will be the day of watching her closely. I don't expect anything until either this afternoon or tomorrow morning but right now she is munching and drinking more than her usual intake of water. I hope to see a nest with fur very soon! Will take pictures as soon as she...
  12. HiddlesKenway

    New Baby Buns

    Points on most animals don't show until later when fur has developed properly. Just give it time, they'll start showing their markings soon.
  13. HiddlesKenway

    New bunny!

    Hay and good quality pellets. All hay is good for buns but alfalfa is best for anyone under six months, nursing kits and when there is protein lacking in the diet. You can give bunny treats of all sorts, these are the main of what I use: Celery, banana, apple, pear, banana chips, cucumber...
  14. HiddlesKenway

    Lavender: First time mum

    Lavender enjoying a treat on day 29 because her babies are torturing her with their kicking! Unhealthy treat at that all well she hadn't had much other than her meadow hay bedding and pellet chaff mix for the past week and a half.
  15. HiddlesKenway

    Thinking of making a herb garden...

    I'll either be doing that it hanging pots as I have a big dog and house cats. I have plenty of back yard just the dog will have much fun destroying the garden!
  16. HiddlesKenway

    Rabbit lump/tumor/possibly cancer

    Opening it up finding out whether or not they can remove it or not without the leg then get them to call! My three legged bun was opened up and my vet (30 years rabbit experience.) called to ask whether I wanted him desexed as well in the middle of surgery and also to tell me that he looked to...
  17. HiddlesKenway

    Thinking of making a herb garden...

    I plan to plant some basil but at this point I'll be buying some first to see if they like it. I'll probably plant most of what is mentioned! Thank you.
  18. HiddlesKenway

    Thinking of making a herb garden...

    So I've been thinking of planting a small herb garden in a plant container thing. I have a big dog whom loves to destroy just about anything he can so I can't plant it in the ground where he can get at it. What are lists of herb worthy of the bunny diet?
  19. HiddlesKenway

    Tendency toward birthing one sex?

    One of my does had a litter of four all bucks, never happened before to me! Cept with my piggies.
  20. HiddlesKenway

    Tooth Abscess

    I used a cotton pad and cotton tips. I used boiled salt water and then applied betadine the wound has begun closing up again as she scratched it open! She also bit me today whilst I was giving her antibiotics, she couldn't be good for her last day dosage. Silly girl. I imagine, mines a demon I...