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  1. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    P.S. With regards to your questions last night and your feelings about the amount of baytril. Baytril has a fairly wide dosing range. Some vets like to start high,knock out the infection, and know they can reduce the dose if there areside effects. Others start low, knowing they can increase...
  2. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Hi Laura, :wave: Are you having the doc check her blood for e-cuniculi?Istill think it's key to have that testdone justforpeace of mind and also, since herblood isalready in there getting checked, one more couldn't hurt. Just a note you might want to talk to the Popeabout. I know of some vets...
  3. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Excellent! I'm glad he's notwaiting. He's a good doctor, Laura. You guys are ingood hands. I'm glad he's keeping an eye on Snuggytoo. Didn't want to worry you, but tried to basically saythat when I mentioned being careful of Snuggers too.
  4. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Yup, we did, Snuggy's Mom. Remember because I was curious if she had ever gone outside andwondered if she could've caught a bug from her firstvisit. No big deal. With all you've been through, it's understandable that you're not retaining much. :)
  5. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Snuggys Mom wrote: Try not to jump ahead of yourself. Even if it is Pasteurella, it's treatable. :)
  6. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Snuggys Mom wrote: There are little pellets that the vet can give you that soaks up theurine so that whenever you have to get a urine sample, you can do itwith these. It looks like Kosher Salt, kinda. As we noted on the phone, cataracts can be caused by e-cuniculi, or itcan be a genetic...
  7. Carolyn

    Cherylleigh's bunnies

    Hey Chicky, Where'd ya go? How's Marshmellow and Chocolate Bunny? Give them many many kisses for me. I miss them. :purplepansy::pinkpansy::purplepansy::pinkpansy: -Carolyn
  8. Carolyn

    Pamnock's Rabbit: Heart

    Thanks for letting me know she was away, Pipp! I'm so glad to hear that your baby girl is doing better, Pam.She fights so hard, I would imagine, out of just not wanting to be anywhere other than in yours and Matthew's care. She's so lucky to have you. I completely understand why you're...
  9. Carolyn

    Pamnock's Rabbit: Heart

    Greetings Pam, Dear Heart, A couple of things/notes about Heart after reading what you said about the Little Love in Baby'sthread... Why the hesitation to use systemic antibiotics? I would think with this much infection it would be adviseable. might want to look into "fake...
  10. Carolyn

    Lots of uneaten cecals...

    Hi wax32, What a perfect little pumpkin Tony is. Such ahandsome little devil! I would give it a couple of days. Antibiotics can do that to some bunnies (and it has happened to me as well). If you have to do antibiotics for him again, you might try some probiotics (My doc's office carries...
  11. Carolyn


    Greetings, :) If it increases in amount of cecels she doesn't eat, it could be a lack of calcium in the diet. That's where I'd start. If she's not much of a hay eater, try enticing her with some cabbage or kale, just not too much as they can cause gas. -Carolyn
  12. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Snuggys Mom wrote: AMEN! I could've KILLED that other jerk for telling youthat. As I said to you prior, there are so many things itcould've been other than just defaulting to cancer. 1) Abcess 2) Abcess that now has an infection 3) Fluid on the joint 4) Arthritis with inflammation I'm...
  13. Carolyn

    Pernod and her Shadow

    They are stunningly beautiful, Jan. Give them much love and kisses to them for me.
  14. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    P.S. As I noted to you prior, too, Laura, if it shows inflammation anotheroption would be steroids (not to be given with metacam).Either an injection of dexamethasone or oral prednisone.
  15. Carolyn

    Baby's Health Problems

    Make sure it's not infected. EDITED: The needle aspiration will be able to tell you aboutabnormalities such as inflammatory, cancer, infectious or suspiciouscells. Also ask about fluid in the joint. * * * * * *
  16. Carolyn

    Peanut's not well

    My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you and Peanut. :purplepansy: Give her kisses for me.
  17. Carolyn

    RIP Toby :(

    Snuggys Mom wrote: I couldn't agree more.
  18. Carolyn

    RIP Toby :(

    beautiful pictures. :bigtears: Definitely never forgotten and never replaced. He adored yousoooooo much, Laura. Still does, just in anotherform.
  19. Carolyn

    RIP Toby :(

    That's the plan I want. To be dearlyloved while here on earth, have a comfortable home, be treated with TLCall my life and then just pass. It's absolutely horrific foryou Laura and Ally, I know that, but it was fast and peaceful forToby. That said, my heart and soul weeps for you. Buck will...
  20. Carolyn

    The Bunnies Have Taken Over...

    What a big mouth! Just checkin in on you and your babies.:hug: