The Bunnies Have Taken Over...

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Sorry you guys, they worked for me. It was either a Photobucket glitch or your computers. :?

Yesterday's in cage bonding session. Long story but I can't fully bondthem until Reese is spayed (which I am definitely having done now). SoI will just continue short bonding sessions when I can manage it.

"Mom... there's a GIRL in my cage!"




She follows him EVERY WHERE, they are inseperable for the most part.




I missed the bonding updates! I am so happythings are working out for you. Spice looks so content in those pics.And I cant get over how beautiful she is.

This is my favorite:


Look at those snuggle bunnies!
Oh Goodness! Look at those two!!!!!! How precious!!

Ya done good, there, MBB! You were exactly correct in yourinstincts and your match-making skills. It's so great to seeSpice loving the married life.

Perhaps you've had ideas to going back to be a two-rabbitMomma. Let's face it, you've got your hands full with 4rabbits now.

Which couple shall come to Tucker Town to live forever. Orshould we not break up the family and send them all downhere? Yes, that's really the best, and most selfless thingyou could do - for sure!

Carolyn wrote:
Oh Goodness! Look at those two!!!!!! How precious!!

Ya done good, there, MBB! You were exactly correct in yourinstincts and your match-making skills. It's so great to seeSpice loving the married life.

Perhaps you've had ideas to going back to be a two-rabbitMomma. Let's face it, you've got your hands full with 4rabbits now.

Which couple shall come to Tucker Town to live forever. Orshould we not break up the family and send them all downhere? Yes, that's really the best, and most selfless thingyou could do - for sure!


:shock:Why do I have the feeling Tucker Town is a dangerous place to bring a rabbit?
Haley, I love that photo too. He sort of looks like he's saying "What? Can't a guy get a little love too?"

Carolyn, hands off my babies! I have no plans of going back to 2bunnies, nor do I plan to go back to 3! On the other hand, I reallyshould rescue your trio from Tucker Town... I hear they are treatedlike animals. ;)

They aren't 'married' yet. I've had a small set back with Reese and Ihave to get her spayed. She has her hormonal days... until she isspayed, I can't leave them together because Spice ends up chasing herwhen he's annoyed and I am afraid she will get hurt. I'll continue theshort bonding sessions though and take about a 2 week break to allowher to heal before starting doing very short bonding sessions again(Spice doesn't mount or chase her unless she prevokes him so 2 weeksshould be sufficient to start bonding again).
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Carolyn, hands off my babies! I have no plans of going backto 2 bunnies, nor do I plan to go back to 3! On the other hand, Ireally should rescue your trio from Tucker Town... I hear they aretreated like animals. ;)

JadeIcing wrote:
:shock:Why do I have the feeling Tucker Town is a dangerous place to bring a rabbit?
Oh no, no, no!

You're bunny will love you FOREVER.

It's a guarantee or I'll keep the bunny until he/she does.

What a big mouth!


Just checkin in on you and your babies.:hug:
The bunnies are all well. No date is set for Reese's spay yet but my brother in law is planning it since he'll be taking her.

School is getting busy, finals start in 3 weeks! We've been trying toget ahead to avoid the last week being jam packed with assignments andstudying like it was last semester. No new pictures of the bunnies andeven though the snow is melting (it rained today) I wont be able to getany outside pictures until the end of April because by the time itdries up I will be in study mode!

Spring is here and I am in love... with more rabbits of course! Spring(as in the moderator, LOL) and I fell in love with this adorable blackmagpie Holland Lop, luckily she was in Vancounver or I'd have 5... LOL.She was so cute, I almost couldn't resist! Well for now I can look...just not touch but I might allow myself a Frenchie next year... we'llsee.
Well Reese's spay is booked -- April 19. I'm anervous wreck especially conidering I have 2 finals on the 21st! I willbe so upset if she doesn't make it. :(The vet we have to waitand see but she may need to stay over night at the clinic because ofher age but she also may not. At least I have those 2 days off and canspend a lot of time with her while she's healing because that's almostat the end of the semester.

Keep your fingers crossed, I may be getting a new camera -- we'relooking at a Kodak EasyShare C875, a Canon PowerShot SD600, or possibly(and hopefully) a Canon PowerShot S3IS. The last one is AMAZING and hasawesome videos! And yes you guys.. it has sound.;)
Finally some new pictures. All 4 are finallyback outside and they all got to run outside today for the first timein a long time.

First off, my favorite photo of the evening...








So Reese and Spice are becoming 2 peas in a pod!Reese never strays far from Spice, it really is cute. She hasn't beenspayed long but she is even better then she was before the spay so Ihave no concerns about continuing bonding them (Spice doesn't mount orchase so she is fine). So here's some pictures, FINALLY. (No new camerayet... still waiting...:pullhair:)




She never sits still!




The mark on her belly is from the spay.






And my ever expanding run... I just keep adding on and it keeps on taking up more and more of my yard... LoL.
My God, Reese is even cuter than I remember! :inlove:

(It's been awhile!)

Everybunny looks so happy!

Any news on your trip with the bunnies? Where's it sitting?

sas :)
Awesome pictures! Sounds like bondingis going well, yay! Those two are really beautiful.Spice is my favorite:inlove:.

Glad the spay went well. I bet you can't wait for a newcamera. I love mine, though, I can't seem to get video brightenough inside. I will be trying one outside real soon:).
Pipp wrote:
Anynews on your trip with the bunnies? Where's itsitting?
Unfortunately I had to cancel any plans I had because I was unable tofind anyone to watch the bunnies and I just didn't want to risk such along drive with bunnies who have never really been on the road, withthe exception of Reese in her show days but that was a long time ago.

Reese is adorable, she is little brat to catch mind you but it's sohard to get mad! Her hops are hilarious, I'm used to Mocha and Spice'shops who are so springy and big, hers look like they so much effort tomove, it's so cute.I guess that comes with the size! Itdoesn't look it but Reese is less than half Spice's size. According tomy new scale, Reese is 3 lbs 4 oz and Spice is 7 lbs 7 oz! There issuch a big weight difference.

Her spay went amazing, she was back to herself 2 days later and wasacting quite fine the day after surgery even. Oddly enough her activitylevel seems to have increased if anything. :?
I guess I forgot to add these as well! My otherpair, these 2 act more like a married couple -- they have oppositesides of the hutch. ;)

As you can tell, Mocha has a terribly hard life...



And my other girl that never sits still! It's like she's wired on caffeine 24/7.




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