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  1. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  2. Gordon

    The show Hoarders

    I've watched it. I think we're all hoarders in some small way, but that show definitely picks out the people who need intervention. :shock:
  3. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  4. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  5. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  6. Gordon


    gmas rabbit wrote: Yes, they have a penchant for gnawing on my deck's hard wood columns, but I still like them. I feed them raw peanuts in the winter.
  7. Gordon


    I've always been fascinated with how they do the tightrope dance on utility wires. That amazes me; it's so dangerous! There is a small family of albino squirrels who have made the University of Louisville home for years. All squirrels on campus are relatively tame because the students...
  8. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  9. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  10. Gordon

    Just me? (halloween)

    I used to think it was a little crazy to start advertising Thanksgiving and Christmas so early, but it doesn't really bother me anymore. It's a warm & fuzzy thing for me. Granted, it would be ridiculous to have the decorations up all year, but late September is a good starting point for...
  11. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  12. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  13. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  14. Gordon


    Curiosity landed successfully, two weeks ago, on Sunday night Video of the event, here:
  15. Gordon

    Word Association - 2011

  16. Gordon


    LakeCondo wrote: Yes, I understand your point. The Muppet Show used to have a skit called, "Pigs in Space!"
  17. Gordon

    The first piece of music you ever owned

    MiniLopHop wrote: If you can find that original Duran Duran album on vinyl, I highly recommend it. I'm not a vinyl snob, but there is something different in a good way, particularly with that record.
  18. Gordon


    This rover is equipped with a motion-video camera too, so the descent will be filmed, and subsequent maneuvers on the ground will also be recorded, albeit at close range, but everything will be fun to see if Curiosity makes it. Definitely a lot more scary landing than previous missions.
  19. Gordon

    Rabbits at the KY State Fair 2012

    If anyone is nearby Louisville, and wants to see the rabbits, remember they will only be there Thursday, August 16th - Sunday August 19th.
  20. Gordon

    The first piece of music you ever owned

    My first music purchase was Duran Duran's debut album. I bought it on vinyl, in 1982, for maybe $6.99, but might have actually been $8. Still one of my favorite things to listen to. It was a very worthwhile purchase!