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Jun 21, 2012
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York, South Carolina, USA
Okay, so I have this weird thing with squirrels. They really interest me. I think they're pretty gross because they're basically rats with fluffy tails, but they're probably pretty smart because rats are pretty smart.
Anyways, what interests me about squirrels is the colors they come in. Most of the country has gray squirrels, but the "gray" is different everywhere.

Like where I am, the squirrels are spindly with long thin tails, they're all gray with some brown ticking and the occasional lighter gray belly. We do have fox squirrels on the coast of SC on some of the islands, that are either all black or gray with light gray bellies and black heads and black ticking in the tails.
The squirrels in Pittsburgh on the other hand, are really thick with red bellies and red ticking in their thick really fluffy tails. But I still think they're gray squirrels.
Delaware has white squirrels and apparently the midwest to the west coast and some of Canada has black squirrels.

Yes, this is strange, but what color are your squirrels?
We all live in different places with different wild life, so what color squirrels do you have? Are there multiple kinds where you are?
Who has black squirrels? I really wish we did!

Oh and I'll be honest where ever I go, I'm looking at the squirrels to see how they differ from other places I've been. I went to St. Louis and never saw a squirrel, it was upsetting.
Yeah, so saying this all out loud makes me sound like a total nutter.
Hahaha, no it doesn't! I chuckled a little only because I've thought the very same thing.

We have lots of squirrels where I live. And yes they are smart and basically rats. I wonder if the people who used to live in this house fed them because they come up on our second story deck and knock on our sliding door. They kinda freak me out sometimes :)

Ours have bushy tails and are a brownish color with tan bellies and a little red tint to them. We have no gray squirrels and whenever i see gray ones when traveling i always think they look so weird!
I've always been fascinated with how they do the tightrope dance on utility wires. That amazes me; it's so dangerous!

There is a small family of albino squirrels who have made the University of Louisville home for years. All squirrels on campus are relatively tame because the students feed them. I once had a squirrel grab a bag of honey roasted peanuts out of my hand, and run up the tree with them!
Ours are soft brown, really chubby with fat little fluffy tails. Super smart little guys. Seen one in the cherry tree yesterday eating the old dried cherries. Had a few nest in the attic, they are particularly smelly and a wee bit of a nuisance.
We have some brownish red ones and some greyish brown ones here in my neighborhood.

I honestly never thought much about squirrels, then last spring the kids in the neighborhood found a baby squirrel in the driveway under a car. We waited all day for it's mom to find it, and nothing, so I eventually took it in. I did a little research to see what to feed it, and for a about a month I took care of it. It was really cute! It would play little wrestling games with my hand, now it's out in the forest somewhere behind my house. I like to think he's still alive at least. Now I think of him everytime I see one of our neighborhood squirrels.
I've only ever seen the golden brown squirrels. they're kinda jerks. I remember at college, we had this table outside the dorm where people would hang out around... those little punks would sit up in the trees and throw acorns at us!
Nancy McClelland wrote:
We have tiny little desert Bunnies, but, haven't seen or heard of squirrels.

What?! NO squirrels? Thats crazy! What are the little bunnies like? I bet their cute as all get out.

I like hearing about everyone's squirrels.
Gordon, your squirrels chew on your deck, at my in-laws, they sit on the banister of the deck and crack open the acorns. They leave a huge mess behind, but they use the banister as a table!
And Jennifer, the squirrels at my in-laws also throw acorns at us.
I like to watch them go from tree to tree too! They're so agile and awesome! The way they jump and grab onto the tiny outer branches of the trees and swing on them to get into the thicker branches. My dog really likes to chase them too, he hasn't ever gotten one yet.

I think its strange for squirrels to be other colors other than gray. I would love a brown squirrel.
I always tell my husband when we go to Pittsburgh, I'm going to catch a few from up there and bring them down here and let them free and make new squirrels!
We have brown squirrels here with bushy tails. There is a family of white squirrels in a town just south of me but I haven't seen one yet. Usually because I'm driving and not looking for them. I have also seen the occasional black squirrel around too. It just depends on where in the Cleveland area you are.
Black squirrels and Grey Squirrels here!

Want them, come take them!
My dog LOVES to chase them ;)

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