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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2006
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Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Earth has a new emissary of sorts on it's way to Mars. The Mars Science Laboratory has been on an eight month journey, and is set to finally arrive, this Sunday night. Provided the crazy landing scenario goes ok, the "Curiosity" rover will start exploring Mars while it's still operational predecessor, "Opportunity", has been chugging away since 2004.

There's a great animation and explanation of how Curiosity plans to land here~

Same video, different site~

If you want to follow the action Sunday night, NASA TV will be broadcasting~

General info on the mission~
This rover is equipped with a motion-video camera too, so the descent will be filmed, and subsequent maneuvers on the ground will also be recorded, albeit at close range, but everything will be fun to see if Curiosity makes it. Definitely a lot more scary landing than previous missions.
I;m so glad no rabbits are on the mission, though. Things have changed since the early days of NASA, when a chimp was sent into space with no plans for it to survive. And I believe the Soviets sent up a dog. The bad old good old days.
LakeCondo wrote:
I;m so glad no rabbits are on the mission, though. Things have changed since the early days of NASA, when a chimp was sent into space with no plans for it to survive. And I believe the Soviets sent up a dog. The bad old good old days.

Yes, I understand your point. The Muppet Show used to have a skit called, "Pigs in Space!"
LakeCondo wrote:
I;m so glad no rabbits are on the mission, though. Things have changed since the early days of NASA, when a chimp was sent into space with no plans for it to survive. And I believe the Soviets sent up a dog. The bad old good old days.
no idea why, but that line made me spit coke! lol
Curiosity landed successfully, two weeks ago, on Sunday night

Video of the event, here:


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