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  1. AngelnSnuffy

    A disgusting question on decomposition.

    Just wanted to pipe up and say gross and lol. I've been following the Casey Anthony trial. All the pre-trial publicity was talk of the smell of decomposition, something you will never forget. And, plant growth, or, anthropology: forensic. Very interesting stuff!
  2. AngelnSnuffy

    How's your vet expirience?

    Do you retain everything your vet says in that precious time? I don't! I swear I need to take a tape recorder w/ me! lol, good thing hubby was off work and came w/ me today, he remembers questions I asked about and her answers, which to some I don't.:shock::?:P I'm blaming stress! We recently...
  3. AngelnSnuffy

    Lump on Hock? *Pics in thread*

    That sure is strange on that bone area. Did you get to a vet? How do they look now?
  4. AngelnSnuffy


    I agree w/ Sooska. It's ok, just not something to make a habit of. Try Craisens, if you want to see bun lovin' a treat? Haha, that is thee one! A few each time a couple times a week is fine to give.;) Fruits such as pineapple, watermelon and apple they love as well.:D
  5. AngelnSnuffy

    Odd behavior with head/ neck?

    I've not heard of this behavior, maybe it was a lazy binky? Have you seen her do it since?
  6. AngelnSnuffy

    excessive chewing

    What has transpired at the vet? How is she doing w/ chewing?
  7. AngelnSnuffy

    Nipping or biting?

    Another great thing to remember is to always try to end bonding sessions on a positive note. If there is a fight, they will remember it the next time they're together and could hinder the session.:) Best of luck!!:D
  8. AngelnSnuffy

    how to paralyze a rabbit

    I can very, very easily trance Snuff! He's just a cooperative cutie patootie. Lay him on his back in my lap to do what I need to do, check his feet, give him meds. Some buns will fight trancing. Not a bad thing that I've ever heard.
  9. AngelnSnuffy

    Paper eater!

    Yes, consuming paper can cause a blockage. Don't allow her to consume any paper. She must eat lots and lots of hay? When a bun does consume paper, hay is the best thing for them to push the paper along the intestinal system. I would try giving toys for her that don't allow consumption. Baby keys...
  10. AngelnSnuffy

    shaking the cage before drinking water

    Sweetie wrote: Man, every bottle I ever had leaked badly! Went to crocks u attach to cage, love them! Sounds like ur bun is very smart to shake the cage before drinking, like another person said theirs did, to get more water out. Maybe it doesn't work well enough for her liking, so she chooses...
  11. AngelnSnuffy

    Not eating hay like he used to...

    So, we noticed Snuff drooling out the right side of his mouth late last nite and today. Took him to the vet again. Fearing tooth root overgrowth issues as his eyes have been seeping a bit for awhile and thinking it was connected. She tends to think it's more of a "snuffles" issues and...
  12. AngelnSnuffy

    Not eating hay like he used to...

    Well, I saw a new vet today at the place I go and wow, she is freakin GOOD w/ rabbits!:D She says it's the beginning of stasis as she didn't hear many gut sounds. So, we're on a probiotic and Critical Care and they did Sub Q today. She's attacking it pretty aggressively for it being just very...
  13. AngelnSnuffy

    Not eating hay like he used to...

    Thanks you guys! I just don't get it, this just started, he used to love his orchard grass... Anywho, we're going to the vet tomorrow b/c he's had this peeing problem too for awhile now. Pees out of his litterbox so we've had newspapers down to soak it up. Poor baby. Oh, and Lisa he's 8.:)
  14. AngelnSnuffy

    Not eating hay like he used to...

    Okay, so a couple weeks ago we tried going back to Timothy hay instead of feeding Orchard grass, for variety and teeth wear. He wouldn't eat the timothy so we just a couple days ago went back to Orchard and he's not really eating it.:( He'll eat some, but not like he used to. At first we thought...
  15. AngelnSnuffy


    Omg, I'm so verysorry Nadia...:( RIP Misty, you will be missed...:rainbow::rose:
  16. AngelnSnuffy

    bunny behaviour? your views

    Welcome to the forum!:wave: Aww, how cute! Yes, it 'could' change, but likely it won't. Hard to say, depends on those hormones.;) I hope he doesn't change, that's cute!
  17. AngelnSnuffy

    Flemish giant.

    I want one too! But, don't think I'd cage it, ever, free roam bunneh!:P They're just too big to have enclosed, it's not right for that breed imo.;)
  18. AngelnSnuffy

    Cherry Eyes in Rabbit

    They hide their pain so well, that you truly cannot tell very well. They will get very inactive, then pop up as if everything is fine...;)
  19. AngelnSnuffy

    Cherry Eyes in Rabbit

    I'm so sorry, hon. Hugs. Feel free to message me. Uh, I saw up and up then bad's hard to say, Just take every moment as a gem.:( Metacam is just helping w/ some of the pain. When the heart gives out, it gives out.:(
  20. AngelnSnuffy


    If he nips you when you are holding him, a high pitched squeal from you should make him stop.;) Could he be doing that cuz he's hungry and it's feeding time? I know Snuff will do anything for food, lol. But, that could be it and if you haven't had him long, the last thing you want to do is pick...