Not eating hay like he used to...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
Okay, so a couple weeks ago we tried going back to Timothy hay instead of feeding Orchard grass, for variety and teeth wear. He wouldn't eat the timothy so we just a couple days ago went back to Orchard and he's not really eating it.:( He'll eat some, but not like he used to. At first we thought he thought it was still the timothy...but he's still not eating much of it. We've resorted to spritzing it w/ orange juice since I don't have apple just yet...

Any ideas? No, I do not think it's his teeth, he eats his pellets and salads just fine. Poor old guy.

Has anyone else ever had this happen? Thanks everyone!
Wouldn't a little bit of hay plus his salads suffice for the old guy? How old is he? Maybe he's just not able to chew like he used to, even if his teeth are fine.

He would still be getting the fiber he'd need to keep the gut moving I would think. Maybe add more to his salads to make up for less hay?

Thinking/typing outloud... my two cents...
even just eating his pelletts he will be fine. if you feel the need to keep the hay in there, just give fresh every other day or something to see if he will start eating it again.

If he's eating other things just fine then I wouldn't worry.
Thanks you guys! I just don't get it, this just started, he used to love his orchard grass...

Anywho, we're going to the vet tomorrow b/c he's had this peeing problem too for awhile now. Pees out of his litterbox so we've had newspapers down to soak it up. Poor baby.

Oh, and Lisa he's 8.:)
Well, I saw a new vet today at the place I go and wow, she is freakin GOOD w/ rabbits!:D She says it's the beginning of stasis as she didn't hear many gut sounds. So, we're on a probiotic and Critical Care and they did Sub Q today. She's attacking it pretty aggressively for it being just very early stages, lol.

On the peeing issue, she thinks it may be kidney disease cuz of his age:(. I opted not to do the blood work for that today, but will soon.
So, we noticed Snuff drooling out the right side of his mouth late last nite and today. Took him to the vet again. Fearing tooth root overgrowth issues as his eyes have been seeping a bit for awhile and thinking it was connected.

She tends to think it's more of a "snuffles" issues and prescribed Cipro solution.

She said the teeth all look good except for a couple of "sharp molars". She did not say spurs, even upon my inquiry. So, she prescribed Baytril and Metacam and are doing "conservative therapy". Upon her findings were a sore in his cheek. We don't want to put him under if we dont have to b/c of his age, he's almost 9. So, we hope this will fix it and that maybe he just chewed his cheek. Not thinking the molars are causing the issue. He's never had teeth problems. He is also on Metacam. To be rechecked in a week.:)

He has not stopped eating pellets or hay or anything else we give him.:D

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