Ok, so i'm still trying to bond my 2. I read putting them in a smaller space, and i have a hall way perfect for that, i gated it off placed toys treats, boxes and a litter pan. Put the less aggressive male in first, and then the female. they seemed ok exploring then the female started nipping/biting the underside near his "privates" not sure if thats being aggressive or shes grooming? She did a bit later lick his head. Earlier during the day in their room, I had him out and he kept trying to say hello (she was in her cage) and she was grunting and i call it boxing the cage, i'm aware thats not good. But tonight they spent 45 mins together in the hall with only a few underside nips. So i'm hoping if i do this every day they'll hopefully be BFF's. Also when should I call it quits? and just accept that they'll never be BFF's.:?