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  1. MikeScone

    It's for the birds...

    I spent three weeks in Scotland with the Scouts at the Blair Atholl Jamborette this summer. Here are some bird pictures I took over there. The European Robin is not related to the bird we have over here - our "Robin" is a thrush. The first European settlers in this country named a lot of our...
  2. MikeScone

    It's for the birds...

    I've upgraded my camera to a Nikon D500 and recently acquired a 200-500mm Nikkor lens for bird and airplane photography. The combination is really great - sharp and fast and, if heavy, a pleasure to operate. Here are a few sample pictures I've taken over the last few weeks. Cardinal...
  3. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    Thanks! Natasha certainly thinks so. I grabbed a couple of pictures of Natasha in her litter box this morning. Of course, Natasha had to see what the weird clicky thing on the floor was...
  4. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    I'll start a new blog for Natasha for 2017, but in the meanwhile, to close out the year here are a few pictures I took since my last post. "Hi Dad, what's up?" "It's about time to clean my cage, don't you think? Not that I'd nag or anything..." "There are pellets in here, I know it! And I...
  5. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    Natasha was just chilling out on Wednesday, when I was home for Yom Kippur. She spent quite a while in a full-on flop next to her ball and her cardboard tunnels, but of course she rolled upright as soon as I grabbed my camera. Someday...
  6. MikeScone

    Help Identifying my new bunny breed

    We have a Rabbit Identification Key on RO which might help - answer some questions and follow through the key, and you might get a better idea of what sort of rabbit she might be (or, at least, what sorts of breeds might be mixed in her heritage). Of course, it's possible that she's not...
  7. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    I've definitely been neglectful of Natasha's blog this year. It's been a busy one for me, and not always in a good way, so I haven't been on RO in quite a while. Anyway, Natasha's still going strong. She's eight now, but still acts like a kit. She does Bunny 500's around the house every...
  8. MikeScone

    How to remove dog smell?

    My Natasha Rabbitova reacts to any dog scent - all I have to do is pet a dog, and she thumps and runs off to hide under my bed until I wash my hands in mechanic's solvent. A few weeks ago I had a very friendly dog lean against my leg at a picnic, and when I came home Natasha wouldn't come...
  9. MikeScone

    Funny Meme of the day

    Natasha Rabbitova says, "Remember, it's five chest compressions with the tongue out, then a break for a carrot!"
  10. MikeScone

    Scared Bunny

    Has anything else changed, particularly with respect to smells? Did you change brands of soap or perfume? Have you been doing anything which might impart a new smell - painting, or gluing things? That might set off a rabbit - they depend as much on smell as sight, so even if you look and sound...
  11. MikeScone

    What breed is my baby Munchkin?

    You might find our RO "What breed is my bunny?" rabbit identification key to be helpful, especially after he gets a bit older and you can estimate his mature size and appearance. You work through the key by answering questions, which in the end will (we hope) lead to a page with information and...
  12. MikeScone

    Cessilys colour? Not sure

    There's a page of our Rabbit Identification Key which has pictures of Harlequin colored rabbits.
  13. MikeScone

    I'm stumped. What breed is he?

    You might find the RO Rabbit identification key to be helpful - work through the questions, and you might find some breeds which are similar to your mix. Even if you don't, though, "cute bunny" certainly fits. The key is at:
  14. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    I've been home most of the time since Christmas Eve, other than the odd run to the store or visiting friends, so Natasha's become used to having me around. I don't know what she's going to think when I go back to work tomorrow. Here are my first 2016 photos of Natasha: Natasha's been dozing...
  15. MikeScone

    Need breed help

    You might also try working through the Rabbits Online Breed Identification Key at - answer the questions on the key pages, and it might help.
  16. MikeScone

    How do I play with my bunny?

    The only time Natasha "plays" with me is if I bounce a Slinky near her. She runs over, grabs the Slinky and pulls it across the room. Then she lets it go and watches it bounce back. When she's tired of playing she runs off with the Slinky and wraps it around a chair so I have to go untangle it...
  17. MikeScone

    Calling Whovians!

    Was Captain Jack Harkness from Earth? I thought he was from some future colony planet (on which there was a "Boeshane Peninsula", the "Boe" of Face of Boe). I always liked Martha Jones - maybe the current Doctor can reconnect with her.
  18. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    Natasha and I were down on Long Island Thanksgiving weekend to visit my folks. They made quite a fuss over her, which she appreciated. I brought Natasha's friend Marge along for company. Here Natasha's pushed herself under Marge's hand - I think Natasha thought Marge was petting her.
  19. MikeScone

    Natasha Rabbitova's 2015-16 Blog

    In their Winter 2015 issue, Bunny Mad Magazine printed my article about living with Scone MacBunny and Natasha Rabbitova as a two-page spread. Natasha was impressed... She had to tell Marge and Borders Bunny right away...
  20. MikeScone

    Rabbit Breed

    We have a Rabbit Identification Key here on Rabbits Online. It has a Rex/MiniRex page with lots of pictures of rabbits with Rex fur - and having lived with two different MiniRex rabbits over the last twelve years, I have to agree that the photos posted in this thread don't look anything like Rex...