What breed is my baby Munchkin?

Rabbits Online Forum

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Tough to say because he's so young (maybe 5 weeks if you're lucky, much too young). That being said, ears look small, so possibly some netherland dwarf mixed in. Beyond that, just a super cute mixed breed :)

His colour is vienna marked agouti.
You might find our RO "What breed is my bunny?" rabbit identification key to be helpful, especially after he gets a bit older and you can estimate his mature size and appearance. You work through the key by answering questions, which in the end will (we hope) lead to a page with information and pictures for a breed.

The key can be accessed from http://www.rabbitsonline.net/showthread.php?t=77893
I don't even have a remote idea of what he could be, but holy cow he is a cutie pie!! :3 How adorable. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! :D
Haha i know i love her....She wasn't wanted because her eye was infected shut....So i took her home and saved her ...she had abcesses on her booty hole...and pus like crazy shutting her eye....a little TLC and shes good as new....anyone else would not have known what to do...But one thing...her little potty parts are still a bit swollen making sexing her quite difficult....any ideas?
I agree with the Vienna marked agouti nethie mix !
Figured dwarfy poo...that's why I dubbed thee Munchkin. But anyone have any idea about her enlarged pee pee place??
Anybody?? Please?? I am worried .... She isn't in pain...it isnt infected or inflamed...its just...still swollen from when it was infected....swollen to where you can barely see the pee pee slot...Ill try to get a picture