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  1. bunnydude

    Thank You and Farewell !!

    We'll miss you! Best of luck to you, your family, and your bunnies! Matt
  2. bunnydude

    Nails of fury

    I do the same thing with mine that Jim does withTootsie. I just take them to the vet, less stress for me and lessstress for the bunnies. There's this one tech who's amazing with them.She can just scoop them up in one hand and have their nails cut be theyeven have a chance to fuss. Matt
  3. bunnydude

    Harper got to meet Santa Claus

    How neat! We were going to take Devon and Amber, but the local HRS chapter that's doing it is a 2 hour drive from us:shock:
  4. bunnydude

    lease all need some serious advice

    I'm so very sorry for your loss:rose: It is true that illnesses in rabbits can escalate quite quickly. LikeSnuggys Mom mentioned, any number of things could have happened. Itsound to me as if she could have entered gi stasis which can claimrabbits very quickly. The best way to determine the...
  5. bunnydude

    how do ya become an administrator?

    Administrators and moderators were selected bythe forum staff and had to be approved by the forum's owner. To myknowledge, we are not currently looking for any more administrators. However, if you need an administrator to help you with something, I'm sure that they would be happy to do it. Matt:)
  6. bunnydude

    Stolen Bunny

    That's sad, hopefully they get him back soon and safely.
  7. bunnydude

    Eye Tearing

    Hi everyone, This morning I woke up and noticed that Devon had a bit of eye discharge, and just a few minutes ago realized that it had become somewhat severe. Luckily, the vet has an appointment open about an hour from now, so we'll be taking him down. But he still has an appetite and no other...
  8. bunnydude

    Rude bunny comment

    I've been fortunate enough to never get commentslike that, but I'm always upset when I hear about things like this.They've obviously never been privy to the companionship of a rabbit...certainly their loss. Jim's absolutely right, they just don't get it:X
  9. bunnydude

    how old are your rabbits

    We can only estimate Amber's age, but we figurethat she's about 3 years old. Devon was born at the rescue on April1st, 2005, so that means he's just a few days over 1 year and 7 months.
  10. bunnydude

    Harper's in emergency surgery

    Poor guy! Glad to hear he's doing well.
  11. bunnydude

    Hello from france

    Votre anglais, c'est très bien! Welcome to the forum, I can't wait to hear more about your rabbits! They're beautiful:D Matt:cool:
  12. bunnydude

    In Memory of "Buck Jones"

    :angel:Happy Birthday, Buck! :angel:
  13. bunnydude

    digging on ME

    Devon and Amber do that alot. It's a way of playing/getting my attention:)
  14. bunnydude

    New bunny!

    What a beautiful rabbit! I hope the bonding goes well!
  15. bunnydude


    Welcome Charlotte!
  16. bunnydude

    How did you come up with your nickname for the forum?

    Awesome thread! :nicethread I joined this forum to do some research before I adopted my rabbits, soI just picked a name that related to rabbits (I never, ever expected tobe completely roped into this forum;)). "Dude" was added because I'm aguy:D. Although maybe "bunnygeek" or "bunnynerd" would...
  17. bunnydude

    just got my first bun!

    Congratulations! Can't wait for pictures:D
  18. bunnydude

    wash vegetables

    I have to admit, I used to be pretty lazy whenit came to washing veggies. But given the recent E Coli scare, I'vebeen washing them thouroughly. I've found that its a bit easier if youput all the veggies in a strainer and just drain water through, tossingthe veggies around a bit.
  19. bunnydude

    New Here

    Welcome, Snuffles!!!