Rude bunny comment

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Feel free to move this to off-topic. Been a while since I've "regular"ed the board, forgot what goes where.

Anywaayyys... I was at the pet store earlier, the same one that Harperwas rescued from, and the same one my mother works at for the last fewyears. Harper's vet told me to get some Nutri-Cal and they were out,and the pet store was right next door. So, I went in to grab it and themanager goes, "Hey... how's the rabbit?" I explained about his surgery,the few problems we've had, the medicine he's on, ect. And she didn'tsay much for a minute. So, I started talk to my friend who works at thepharmacy counter about Harper, because she's head over heels about him.A second later, the manage speaks up and goes, "Is this that feederrabbit?" And I said in a sarcastic tone, "Used to be, until I took himout of this place." Then shereplies, "You're crazy. No feederrabbit is worth the money you even pay for them, much less hundreds ofdollars for a surgery. Aren't you a college student? Be responsible andpay for school books instead."

Ooooooo... I grabbed my stuff and left before a very large fight wasdue to break out. People's comments usually don't bother me, but shemakes them everytime I have the displeasure of seeing her. Some peoplecan be so heartless....
When Binkie had to have her surgery "someone"told me that we shoulld just let her go (as in die)and thenjust get another rabbit. They couldn't understand why I would pay $1000instead of getting another one at the shelter for $25.

Some people just don't get it.:disgust:
I've been fortunate enough to never get commentslike that, but I'm always upset when I hear about things like this.They've obviously never been privy to the companionship of a rabbit...certainly their loss.

Jim's absolutely right, they just don't get it:X
Jim,i can relate to that,because when Daisy hadher op it has cost me $800 and someone told me i should maybe put herto sleep instead,because $800 is a lot of money for a 25 dollarrabbit,but she was healthy!!!!!!! ugh!!! people!!

I had never jumped down someones throat so quick before,needless to say i went ahead with the operation :)

MyBoyHarper..some people are just very arrogant!!!!!!!!!


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