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  1. Runestonez

    Baby rabbit with leg ripped off! (RIP)

    To give credit where credit is due the lady who went to drop off meds for her said the other pets seemed to be well cared for and clean...she had another rabbit in a seperate cage...but no has seen the mother or babies yet. But...only being there one day a is a hard situation...but...
  2. Runestonez

    Baby rabbit with leg ripped off! (RIP)

    She still has the mom and other babies. so we are trying to convince her to re-home them rather than have something like this happen again. They really are the most adorable buggers!:) I am hoping she makes the right decision...the father doesn't like them or want to care for them and she...
  3. Runestonez

    Baby rabbit with leg ripped off! (RIP)

    Never mind...:( She found the baby dead this morning. She wasn't listening to us about what to feed it, he had no anti-biotics, no pain meds... I was hoping becausehe had made it through the week he could pull through if someone savvy could get to him in time. I think the injury on top...
  4. Runestonez

    Baby rabbit with leg ripped off! (RIP)

    Hi guys! I am on another board and have a 15 year oldgirl in Floridawho breeds chinchilla bunns...she only visits her Dads house where she has the bunns once a week. So when she showed up this weekend a stray dog her dad had rescued had ripped off one of her 5 week old kits rear legs...
  5. Runestonez

    bunny behaviour? your views

    We have a bunn that was found outside in October, so no idea how old he is! He loves my hubby...follows him around everywhere, lays beside him when he plays video games, loves kisses and cuddles, sits onhubbys shoulder like a parrot...he even does the samething at the vet....he'll stand up and...
  6. Runestonez

    Holding/handling bunnies

    We have 11 buns right now.:) We work with all our rabbits daily so we can hold them safely. Hubby and I try to take in "aggressive" or abused bunns since they are least likely to be adopted.:( So they already have reasons why they don't like to be held by the time we get them home! Our three...
  7. Runestonez

    Almost 1 yr. old bunny has become not so friendly?

    Males can be neutered as soon as their testicles drop...unless your vet has told you otherwise for some reason! Neutering will definitely help...:)
  8. Runestonez

    Newly spayed female

    The running and head flicking...sounds like what our kids do when they want to play! Oliver will run away flicking his head and we're supposed to come chase him and play! She sounds like she is being cheeky! Her behavior will be different..all he humming and mating behavior will go away...
  9. Runestonez

    Licking The Fur Off Vega's Beautiful Face

    Bitter Apple is availble at the pet store now isn't it? Vaseline is useful for bunns with chronicly weepy eyes...helps to seal the skin to keep it from getting irritated...what you need is something to keep Winston form grooming the area...something that will turn him off.
  10. Runestonez

    Bunny wants to eat nail polish

    The only kids we have that do this are our BEW lionhead twins... They love to check out my nails once they are done... Tucker gives me his chin rub of approval... and Portia givesmy naila nip and leaves tooth marks in the polish!:rollseyes They don't seem overly fussy over what colour I use...
  11. Runestonez

    What Am I?

    Here is Deedle--again! :D Starting to fill out! Lots of fluffy fur! Her one ear has started to droop...has a helicopter aspect to it now! Are we still thinking French Angora cross?
  12. Runestonez

    Licking The Fur Off Vega's Beautiful Face

    Hey Susan... It doesn't look red or irritated...he seems to be over grooming. Tucker and Portia are going through the same thing right now. Portia's bald all around her one eye...and he chewed her eyelashes off... It is a phase and usually wears off... I've noticed all our males are freaking...
  13. Runestonez

    Alternative therapies for animals

    You'd have to check with her and see!:D I'm not sure...I am assuming there would be a seperate workshop or course involved... Different systems involved etc...
  14. Runestonez

    Alternative therapies for animals

    OREO is re-doing its website...soon I am hoping to start up a section on pet rabbit health focusing on holistic medicine... One of our members is a certified Reiki master (humans and animals)and I am hopingto convince her and some of her colleagues toeach do a small section on their specialties...
  15. Runestonez

    Hoping this is the appropriate forum...

    Since you are in Ontario try the College of Veterinariansof Ontario (CVO) in Guelph...they are the regulatory body for vets in Ontario...if they can't supply the info they may be able to point you in the right direction!
  16. Runestonez

    What was your bunny's name before you adopted/bought them?

    We decided to rename our kids mainly keeping with the whole New Beginnings theme. New chance to begin again... New Name------Original Name Solembum--------Bubbles Dandelion---------Barney Sophie-------------Cuddles Abigail-------------Cadbury Tucker-------------Bo...
  17. Runestonez

    Need Nail Trimmer

    LOL :D You're killing me! How close are you to Marni's? If I can get there and to Marni's without being uber late for the AGM... I'll come save you! Dani :)
  18. Runestonez

    Pulling out Fur?

    Our female Nethie, Gypsy, was a late neuter at about 3 and a half years of age... (she was a rescue) She builds nests once or twice a year... She seems to prefer her hay bin! They are beautiful nests! :D We usually leavethe nestfor a few days and when it looks like she has lost...
  19. Runestonez

    Bunny kiss?

    We have 11 bunns.... All of them have given hubbyand I kisses since they were little...all except our Oliver and Gypsy! They are both rescue bunns...both Nethies... Just two days ago Oilver finally broke down and gave us kisses for the first time!:biggrin: Well worth waiting for! He has been...
  20. Runestonez

    How much calcium is too much for hay? (Alfalfa vs Timothy)

    Usually hay that is sold to horse farms is a better deal. Horses and rabbits have very similar digestive systems. Cattle hay is generally higher in alfalfa... Whereas horse hay will have some alfalfa in it...the later season cuts seem to have more... but it will probably be a better grassier...