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  1. B

    trying to adopt

    Hi Ladyluv. Don't beat yourself up. One thingyou can do is look in local classified ads, advertising flyers, farmstore bulletin boards, & such. You also may be able to networkwith someone in your area to find a bun.
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    Home for Disabled & Terminally Ill Rabbits

    Please pass on to other bun sites:
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    wash vegetables

    New National Organic Food Standards:
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    what brand and type of food do you use?

    Rabs may not like hay because they didn't get itwhen younger. None of mine would eat it, i tried different kinds.Finally i found they all love KayTee Timothy Cubes.
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    what brand and type of food do you use?

    Yes, i should have said that! Almost impossibleto provide a bun with a balanced diet with greens only, even a varietyof greens. Best not to try. A decent pellet provides a pretty good mixof nutrients, which is one good thing about it.
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    wash vegetables

    I feed only organic veggies, but wash them anyway.
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    what brand and type of food do you use?

    Pellets should form only a tiny part of an adultrab's diet, the bulk to be of plenty of assorted greens &unlimited hay, with the occasional fruit treat & carrot bit.There is not necessarily any clear superiority as to pellet brands ingeneral except that low carb & low protein content...
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    How Cold is too cold??

    Rabbits & Cold Weather: (Not that i advocate breeding, but this does give some helpful tips on keepings buns in extreme cold).
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    Bud's Aggression

    Clearly this rabbit was previously abused & neglected, which along with the illness must account for his behavior. He would require some form of "pet therapy" to regain hisemotional health, & in the meantime get what affection he willaccept in a roomy cage. wearing leather gloves if...
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    Bud's Aggression

    Yes, i don't want to blame Jace at all, myconcern is just that the relationship could go bad because of amisinterpretation of the rab's's actually possible forus to get into power struggles with our pets due to not reallyunderstanding their behavior & this is not good....i...
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    Bud's Aggression

    I think we're talking about big variances in thedegree of aggression here. I've never had a "gangsta" rabbit so thiscolors my attitude towards bun behavior.
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    Bud's Aggression

    I myself would not relate this way to a rabbit; it doesn't foster a loving relationship between you. A rabbit would not even be able to see any relationshipbetween the incident & the time out. I would just place theraisin ration where the bun can reach it, he will enjoy it &you can enjoy...
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    need help with my formerly well trained Rabbit!

    Variety is good...i also serve Daisy (&myself) filtered water, because the chlorine in tap water may beoff-putting to the delicate lagomorphic smelling apparatus! Filtreredwater is also just generally healthier & toxins make more of animpact in a small body.
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    Pellets - how much per day?

    I'd encourage them to eat more hay, by cuttingback on pellets. You may also find a type of hay they like better. Manybuns don't learn to eat hay because they did not get it when young, butthey need it.
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    Identify Rabbit Color Pattern?

    Probably the closest would be the Painted Lady,altho Daisy is a "regular" mini. Her smooth glossy coat also suggeststhe "seal" idea.
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    those of you with largers bunnies...

    Daisy uses the Marshal High-Back Litter Box.Never a spill, she's 6 lbs. It has a plastic screw arrangement on theback that allows it to be affixed to the side of the cage.
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    Identify Rabbit Color Pattern?

    My Daisy would i think be described as a SealPoint if she were a cat (sorry no pics) - dark brown feet with darkhead/snout, chest & back, flanks are somewhat lighter. What isthis called in the rabbit world? Interestingly, here is a rab described as a seal point. However Daisydoes not have...
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    Got a food bowl dumper??

    Clever devils....mine have 1-storey condos so no worries...
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    Got a food bowl dumper??

    Looks ingenious! I've never had a bun dump my heavy 6" stoneware (not china) crocks), but some say they have....