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  1. Ruth

    Best and Cheapest Bunny Brushes for a Fuzzy Netherland Dwarf

    I need to get a good bunny brush for my Fuzzy Netherland Dwarf. He is my only bunny with wooly fur and I need a better brush for it. Every time I brush his fur I feel like it gets more matted, so I need a better solution. If there is anyone with a Jersey Wooly or an Angora rabbit that could tell...
  2. Ruth

    Post pictures of your rabbits flop!

    Your bunny house is so cute!
  3. Ruth

    Post pictures of your rabbits flop!

    That's cute! I love it when they're front paws just disappear
  4. Ruth

    Got 2 buns, thinking of do I check they're compatible?

    Honestly, I don't know. It's not something I have ever tried. It's definitely possible though, but it heavily depends on the personality of the rabbits involved and again it is easier to bond rabbits when they're young (under 6 months.) Since you are getting rescues I'm guessing most of them are...
  5. Ruth

    Asking for advice

    I don't neuter my buns and in my case all of my male rabbits have calmed down after about a month at most. I hear spraying can become a big problem for people. I have only been sprayed once and generally if my rabbits do spray it tends to only being in their hutch and not around the house which...
  6. Ruth

    Got 2 buns, thinking of do I check they're compatible?

    In my experience, the older they are, the harder it is to bond. They tend to get a bit more set in their ways. Though I did bond an older boy to a 1 year old girl recently. One thing I have noticed that works well is have a smaller cage in their pen or area and put one of the bunnies in it...
  7. Ruth

    Post pictures of your rabbits flop!

    My two favourite mid-flop pictures.
  8. Ruth

    Are most pet rabbits happier in pairs? Or do some prefer to go solo?

    Oh I have definitely had a few rabbits that prefer the company of people to that of other rabbits. I have one boy like that right now. He's an extra small netherland-dwarf and so he doesn't like rabbits that are bigger than him, which excludes all other rabbits. He's nice to them but it's...
  9. Ruth

    Unusual rabbit poop

    That's just a cecotrope. You should learn about them if you have a rabbit as they are very important to their digestive system. If it's mushy or if there is a lot of them, then you have a problem and need to change her diet cutting back on pellets and veggies. But if you just see one, and it...
  10. Ruth

    Peppermint oil..

    I'm glad to hear it! :)
  11. Ruth

    Peppermint oil..

    They could be fine, I think it would depend on how strong it is. Bunnies do well with peppermint itself, so if it's a vague enough smell, and not like just coming through the vents or something, I assume it would be alright. I tried using eucalyptus oil in a bath a few months ago. I was very...
  12. Ruth

    Urgent help

    I've only ever used ivermectin to treat pinworms and I used the edible paste/gel for horses. Rather than measuring it out, (I tried, it was practically impossible) I just use a pinprick and have never had any negative symptoms or side-effects. I don't know how it would go for treating other...
  13. Ruth

    Peppermint Tea

    I also give my bunnies some cold mint tea every once in a while. I use my own home-grown peppermint for tea and I used to have a bunny who loved eating the used tea leaves. Funny, but she did.
  14. Ruth

    Urgent help

    I'm so sorry! This is heartbreaking! Don't blame yourself! Even if that is the reason they are and sick (which it still might not be) and if you had known, you would have done everything to prevent it. It's not like this happened due to your lack of caring for your rabbits so don't fault...
  15. Ruth

    Little Evi is adjusting very well!

    Yeah! It's good to hear that she's adjusting well. It's cute that she follows you into the kitchen!