Recent content by Nancy McClelland

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  1. Nancy McClelland

    2 new boys coming soon

    update, 197 and 195 pounds, they are HUGE! It hurts when I get my feet stepped on. A few more days and they will be 1 year old, and, they will probably be our biggest yet. Sometimes I wonder why, but I have always had bigger dogs. Our original Doberman was much smaller at only 59 pounds but...
  2. Nancy McClelland

    New Member - saying HI

    Dinosaur, I am not that young, but we have been here for quite a while!
  3. Nancy McClelland

    New Member - saying HI

    Hello. We moved down here 16 years ago with 17 rescues and all have moved to the Rainbow Bridge. We have 3 new ones now, all rescues--we pould not imagine life with no bunnies. Enjoy your little furry sweeties.
  4. Nancy McClelland

    Happy to be here!

  5. Nancy McClelland

    New Member

  6. Nancy McClelland

    Our boy is gone

    Had to take Bender in for his last Vet visit 2 days ago. He was a 10 year old Great Dane, not a bunny. He was always a very sweet, loving companion and we miss him greatly and I am a couple days late with this post as it has taken me this long to be able to do it. He was a bit smaller than...
  7. Nancy McClelland

    Dating when you have rabbits

    I am a bit older, married for 49 years and we didn't get our first rescue til 2002. My advice to you all is this: if a person does not like animals, especially rabbits, Monty Python said it best in their movie that included a little white rabbit, "run away!"(The Holy Grail). They are not...
  8. Nancy McClelland

    2 new boys coming soon

    Lets see: the food bill was horrendous at $64 dollars a bag, six bags a month. The have tapered down to only 4 bags a month, each bag weighing 40 pounds. The real fun is trying to clear the yard of the used product--I always tell Nancy that I only have to wash my hair in the shower as my arms...
  9. Nancy McClelland

    2 new boys coming soon

    They are going to be huge, both now over 180 pounds and growing, but they have slowed down a bit on their eating as the are full grown but will fill out a bit over the next year. Will have tech support (my son Dan) put up some pics as he has a photo account and I don't next week when he comes...
  10. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye my old boy Spike

    Still miss you my goofy little man. Still have a hard time believing that some dummy just turned you out, you were such a sweet bunny, miss you
  11. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye my Giant Girl

    Hi again my big girl, still have a giant hole in my heart every time your pic comes up on my screensaver and my lap is still empty
  12. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye to our Miss Molly

    Hello again my big girl
  13. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye My Little Old Man

    hey there Arturo, still miss your morning greeetings
  14. Nancy McClelland

    Bye to our Sweet Lilly

    hello my big girl, we love you and miss you
  15. Nancy McClelland

    Hoss: goodby my big boy

    Another year gone by my sweet man, miss you