Well-Known Member
This may sound like a strange question but. When I measure leafy veggies for my rabbits, am I supposed to pack the lettuce in the measuring cup or should it be loose?
Blue Eyes- that looks to me like at least 2-3 cups of veggies. My guess could be off though.![]()
For what it's worth, I'd recommend basing the amount fed on the nutritional value of the veggie you want to feed. The amount needed is based on what else is in the diet. So a blanket statement of one cup or two cups is pretty general. That could be over or underfeeding based on what the fresh food item is.
So a rabbit is to eat, hay, pellets and leafy greens all in the same day??
Yep. Monty gets access to hay at all times, pellets twice a day, and at each pellet time, she gets a salad too. I put the bowl of pellets in my lap and feed salad one piece at a time by hand. Great bonding time and trust-building exercise.
I have read several articles about what green leafy veggies to feed and how often (like those containing oxalic acid, limited only a few times a week) OakRidgeRabbits do you have any suggested reading as to the nutritional contents???
Ive always wondered at this too. So far I use this plate dedicated to bunny salad and as long as it fills it but doesn't go over. My vet told me a cup a day, but most of you are saying about two cups a day? I'm so confused.
(There's a section for what to feed 7 months to 1 year, but it doesn't give an amount, just says "gradually increase veggies", so I looked at this to see what I'm increasing toward) said:What quantities of food should I feed mature adults? (1 to 5 years)
Unlimited timothy, grass hay, oat hay, straw
1/4 to 1/2 cup pellets per 6 lbs. body weight (depending on metabolism and/or proportionate to veggies)
Minimum 2 cups chopped vegetables per 6 lbs. body weight
fruit daily ration no more than 2 oz. (4 TBL) per 6 lbs. body weight.