bun scratches at me

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2019
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hello all. i've had my rabbit Nimue for about a year and a half and we are still learning about each other. (she was in multiple (3 or 4) places before she was 1, so i think she is still getting over that/having her own space. we have great days, good days, and grumpy days)

in the past few months whenever i go to give her more hay she kind of runs at my legs and scratches them a bit and grunts. it's not a full lunge because she gets prepared to run at me i can see her get in what i call "launch mode"and she doesn't bite so i know she's not angry/scared, but i can't tell if it's an excitement thing for food, or if she's annoyed that i have to go near/in her space to give her hay?

she is the first rabbit i've had who is super feisty and a lot of her behaviour is similar when she is reacting to things. and i'm getting better at sussing it out which can be tricky because it's a lot of the same reaction but in like, a different font or shade of color ya know?

anywho. have any of y'all had buns who get feisty about their food or have similar reactions like this even to other things? i would love to say it's excitement for food, because she runs ahead of me to get in her litter box and the noise she makes isn't the same noise as when she is feeling territorial (although she does throw hands then too and it's a similar tone) but i'm not 100% sure, and if it's not excitement i would like to know how to make things better for her.

here's a picture of the little firecracker relaxing on the bed.

To me it sounds like a little territorial behavior. Girl rabbits especially, seem to be prone to this. My bun grunts and gets a little feisty when I bring her salad, but settles down when she starts eating. She's excited too though, so I think in part it's just the excitement gets her overly worked up until she actually gets down to eating. She can be somewhat territorial of her room as well, if anyone besides me enters it.

If you want to share a short video of the behavior, that might help determine better what's going on with your bun.
yeah she also settles down when she starts to eat. funnily enough she doesn't get feisty about her greens or treats. just the hay so i wonder if she didn't have access to as much hay as she needed when she was in the shelters and has a mentality towards it... same here, she has no problems if i get in her space (unless i have hay) but anyone else she gets into a defense stance.
i do think it might be a mix like your bun. if i can get a video i'll definitely share it!
yeah she also settles down when she starts to eat. funnily enough she doesn't get feisty about her greens or treats. just the hay so i wonder if she didn't have access to as much hay as she needed when she was in the shelters and has a mentality towards it... same here, she has no problems if i get in her space (unless i have hay) but anyone else she gets into a defense stance.
i do think it might be a mix like your bun. if i can get a video i'll definitely share it!
Very cute bun though! When I fill or add kibble to her dish she’s so happy she goes sliding across the kitchen floor and kibble goes flying…she’s very excited to get her kibble! I laugh every time!,😂😂🐇💓💞🥰

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