Well-Known Member
I have a question I would like some advice on from other bunny owners.
One of my bunnies, a 3 year old mini lop, is periodically having episodes where he won’t eat for an hour or so. This has been going on for quite some time; at least over a year.
When it first started, I would just go check on them at night, and he would be sitting in the corner and not eating. I would check a few times before I would go to bed, and then he would be eating again. He had one episode that was quite long, where he was still not eating the next morning.
When the bunnies went for their vaccinations (which was only about 3 weeks after the longer incident) I told the vet what he was doing. She checked him over, and he seemed all okay. One of his ears was a little bit redder/muckier than she felt it should be, so he went on a course of penicillin. After the course, the problems seemed to stop, but after a few weeks, he started again. They were however much less frequent. Maybe every 3-5 weeks. That was in October 2021.
Over summer, they also remained pretty infrequent. There was maybe one or two, but all buns were a bit funny those days, so we put it down to the heat (we are in the Southern Hemisphere)
In February 2022, I added my fourth bun into the trio. In the period of bonding, there was no incidents of not eating. Over those 6-7 weeks, they were on a hay only diet.
Once they all moved back into their house, he was okay for a little while, and then they seemed to start again. Again though they were reasonably infrequent, and as they were starting to have their space expanded again, I just put these episodes of not eating for a few hours down to that.
Over the last maybe month(?) these episodes have started getting more frequent again. Maybe one every 2 weeks. Normally there will be 1 night, he will be okay the next night, and then the night after he will be funny again, and then nothing for 2 weeks.
I have no idea what is causing these episodes, so would like to know if anyone else has similar experiences?
He has had blood tests done, and urine tests, and all were clear. His teeth have not been checked with a CT scan, however anytime the vet has looked at them they have looked okay. His front teeth are all aligned and healthy and everything.
When he has these episodes, he will normally just stay in one part of his house, switching between a loaf and cleaning himself. His stomach feels completely normal, and generally he will still be pooping too. If one of the other bunnies comes to clean him, he stretches completely out and flops. I also find he will dig at his blankets and stuff a bit when in these episodes.
All bunnies are vaccinated and desexed. All have been desexed for at least a year.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far
I have a question I would like some advice on from other bunny owners.
One of my bunnies, a 3 year old mini lop, is periodically having episodes where he won’t eat for an hour or so. This has been going on for quite some time; at least over a year.
When it first started, I would just go check on them at night, and he would be sitting in the corner and not eating. I would check a few times before I would go to bed, and then he would be eating again. He had one episode that was quite long, where he was still not eating the next morning.
When the bunnies went for their vaccinations (which was only about 3 weeks after the longer incident) I told the vet what he was doing. She checked him over, and he seemed all okay. One of his ears was a little bit redder/muckier than she felt it should be, so he went on a course of penicillin. After the course, the problems seemed to stop, but after a few weeks, he started again. They were however much less frequent. Maybe every 3-5 weeks. That was in October 2021.
Over summer, they also remained pretty infrequent. There was maybe one or two, but all buns were a bit funny those days, so we put it down to the heat (we are in the Southern Hemisphere)
In February 2022, I added my fourth bun into the trio. In the period of bonding, there was no incidents of not eating. Over those 6-7 weeks, they were on a hay only diet.
Once they all moved back into their house, he was okay for a little while, and then they seemed to start again. Again though they were reasonably infrequent, and as they were starting to have their space expanded again, I just put these episodes of not eating for a few hours down to that.
Over the last maybe month(?) these episodes have started getting more frequent again. Maybe one every 2 weeks. Normally there will be 1 night, he will be okay the next night, and then the night after he will be funny again, and then nothing for 2 weeks.
I have no idea what is causing these episodes, so would like to know if anyone else has similar experiences?
He has had blood tests done, and urine tests, and all were clear. His teeth have not been checked with a CT scan, however anytime the vet has looked at them they have looked okay. His front teeth are all aligned and healthy and everything.
When he has these episodes, he will normally just stay in one part of his house, switching between a loaf and cleaning himself. His stomach feels completely normal, and generally he will still be pooping too. If one of the other bunnies comes to clean him, he stretches completely out and flops. I also find he will dig at his blankets and stuff a bit when in these episodes.
All bunnies are vaccinated and desexed. All have been desexed for at least a year.
Thank you to anyone who has read this far