So far for the bunny room I will have a large woven wool carpet. Other rabbit owner recommended wool or cotton carpet because they was kinder to their furry paws. At least it’s easy to clean and the area it will cover will be 6 sq m/ 64 sq ft.m which is perfect and I got it for a really good price. It only cost 40$. My bunnies don’t chew on carpets but Embla love chewing on puzzle mats, so I went with safest option for us.
So now I have a great air purifier, carpet and a space to store hay. The indoor cages they have which are 160x80 cm will be kept. When I’ve fixed a gate for the door, there will be one pair free roaming in the apartment while the other are in the room free roaming . They will shift later on but it will take a few weeks until I can economical fix it. My salary for this month and the previous have all been under 900$, so it have been quite tight specially having vet visits upon it and I had to prioritize what I would spend my money on.
At least I will have access to the new apartment next weekend. So two weeks from now we all will move to the new place together.
At least the next 3 months I will be getting a more stable salary and I can fix a budget for Toste operation. The only downside, it takes 2 hrs to get to my job and home takes 3 hrs. So I get home quite late and need to leave early to be on time but it’s better than nothing.
Here are my cute furries when eating food today. Embla have turned 2 years old now
So now I have a great air purifier, carpet and a space to store hay. The indoor cages they have which are 160x80 cm will be kept. When I’ve fixed a gate for the door, there will be one pair free roaming in the apartment while the other are in the room free roaming . They will shift later on but it will take a few weeks until I can economical fix it. My salary for this month and the previous have all been under 900$, so it have been quite tight specially having vet visits upon it and I had to prioritize what I would spend my money on.
At least I will have access to the new apartment next weekend. So two weeks from now we all will move to the new place together.
At least the next 3 months I will be getting a more stable salary and I can fix a budget for Toste operation. The only downside, it takes 2 hrs to get to my job and home takes 3 hrs. So I get home quite late and need to leave early to be on time but it’s better than nothing.
Here are my cute furries when eating food today. Embla have turned 2 years old now