Happy bunny life

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So far for the bunny room I will have a large woven wool carpet. Other rabbit owner recommended wool or cotton carpet because they was kinder to their furry paws. At least it’s easy to clean and the area it will cover will be 6 sq m/ 64 sq ft.m which is perfect and I got it for a really good price. It only cost 40$. My bunnies don’t chew on carpets but Embla love chewing on puzzle mats, so I went with safest option for us.

So now I have a great air purifier, carpet and a space to store hay. The indoor cages they have which are 160x80 cm will be kept. When I’ve fixed a gate for the door, there will be one pair free roaming in the apartment while the other are in the room free roaming . They will shift later on but it will take a few weeks until I can economical fix it. My salary for this month and the previous have all been under 900$, so it have been quite tight specially having vet visits upon it and I had to prioritize what I would spend my money on.

At least I will have access to the new apartment next weekend. So two weeks from now we all will move to the new place together.

At least the next 3 months I will be getting a more stable salary and I can fix a budget for Toste operation. The only downside, it takes 2 hrs to get to my job and home takes 3 hrs. So I get home quite late and need to leave early to be on time but it’s better than nothing.

Here are my cute furries when eating food today. Embla have turned 2 years old now 💕


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Fenris is doing well and growing but I have noticed a head tilt when she’s eating pellets which need to be checked out. When she eat hay or greens there nothing wrong with her and all together through the day no different behaver except the head tilt when it’s pellets time. In the last picture you can see how much her head tilts, it’s something I noticed today. There was no problem for her when eating treats during the day. I will be calling the vet tomorrow and book a time. As to try find the cause of her tilting the head because it’s a new behavior which she never did before.

Toste are always grumpy in the morning until he get his pain meds. He goes on the lowest dosages, I’m thinking to maybe increase the dosage but most of the day he behaves normal and not grumpy.

Odin and Embla are doing fine and ejoying their life.

My wallet are hurting needing to go to the vet so soon again. I’ll just borrow money from my dad and pay him back next week when I get my salary. I’m truly looking forward next month when I will get a full payment. I’m just feeling a little unlucky with all these vet visits this year. I’ve had one GI stasis, Toste treatments and the planned ones later this year plus Fenris spay and now this head tilt of Fenris. I’ve had the regular health check ups and vaccinations. So this year will be an expensive year with my bunnies 🥲

I’m also moving this weekend and I’m working as much as I can. So I can afford Toste treatment. Not even during the move day I’m free. I will help out early morning, go to work and be back to help moving plus cooking food for everyone as a thanks for the help with the move. While I have shoulder and back pain from work.


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We have finally moved to the new apartment. There are a lot of things that need to be done. But this is only temporary until we have fully bunny proofed and fixed gates between the rooms.


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I’m truly looking forward when they can always free roam between the rooms. At the moment the apartment look like a mess with moving cardboard upto the roof and things scatterd around in the apartment. Creating a labyrinth among all the things. I hope at the end of the month everything will be set up ☺️
Looks like it's going to be nice ! Congratulations on the new place!
Enjoying the evening with Toste and Fenris on the balcony. We still got a lot to fix in the apartment and Odin plus Embla had a hitch with their bonding. So they had to be restricted until it stabilized. I noticed Embla isn’t that keen of being able to see other rabbits, so she would nip Odin and chase him occasionally if Toste or Fenris got too close to her. But we had a break through this week and she have calmed down.

Might take a few months until fully okay but Toste and Fenris get free roaming outside the rabbit room. While Embla and Odin are in the room until fully stabilized between them. So we are taking it slow. There have been no problems between Toste and Fenris.

I know when she was 3 months she chased Toste when they visited my parents but now they are more stabile. Fenris is the one bossing Toste but he can nip her when she get too much for him. Specially if he’s in a bad mood. The nipping aren’t bite and no fur get pulled out or skin trauma. Quite funny watching Toste sleeping while Fenris is all over him climbing and he will just tolerate it.

The bunnies set up one air purifier and a portable AC. I’m also going to get an air humidfier as it can also help with my eczema and allergies.

They also got the curtains that cost the most because it can block the sun. Which can lessen the room to become too warm during a hot summer day ☺️
Enjoying the evening with Toste and Fenris on the balcony. We still got a lot to fix in the apartment and Odin plus Embla had a hitch with their bonding. So they had to be restricted until it stabilized. I noticed Embla isn’t that keen of being able to see other rabbits, so she would nip Odin and chase him occasionally if Toste or Fenris got too close to her. But we had a break through this week and she have calmed down.

Might take a few months until fully okay but Toste and Fenris get free roaming outside the rabbit room. While Embla and Odin are in the room until fully stabilized between them. So we are taking it slow. There have been no problems between Toste and Fenris.

I know when she was 3 months she chased Toste when they visited my parents but now they are more stabile. Fenris is the one bossing Toste but he can nip her when she get too much for him. Specially if he’s in a bad mood. The nipping aren’t bite and no fur get pulled out or skin trauma. Quite funny watching Toste sleeping while Fenris is all over him climbing and he will just tolerate it.

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I had a bonded pair that was the same way. It always seemed like my girl bun was the boss. Her bun partner was bigger than her, but he was really chill and laid back. But if she started pestering him too much, he'd get fed up and growl and lunge at her, and she would freak out and dash away. So basically she was really only in charge because he let her be. He was really 'top bun', she just didn't know it :p
How are you buns doing today?
The bunnies are doing great. We had family visit so there was a big dog in the apartment for a few days. So the bunnies was restricted to their cages and balcony as to stretch their leg. Fenris was hesitant and would stomp, hide and glare at the large labradoodle clark while clark would carefully stare at her. Clark is a service dog, so I approved his owner to socialize near the bunnies because Toste, Odin and Embla don’t care about having a dog nearby. While Fenris got a little experience. 7206FBED-EC33-4D7C-BC4B-4A7D76A73075.jpeg
I had a bonded pair that was the same way. It always seemed like my girl bun was the boss. Her bun partner was bigger than her, but he was really chill and laid back. But if she started pestering him too much, he'd get fed up and growl and lunge at her, and she would freak out and dash away. So basically she was really only in charge because he let her be. He was really 'top bun', she just didn't know it :p
I suspect that’s the dynamic between Toste and Fenris but I love watching them sleep together and cuddly up. We all can have small disagreement sometimes and Toste is truly a chill bunny who tolerate a lot 😂
I’ve decided to rehome Embla because she don’t fit in the apartment. In a house we could section off the livingroom, avoid having shelves where she was, secure the plants but in an apartment we don’t have the same option for an active bundle of joy than restricting her to even less space.

I’m trying to find a home for her where she will be free roaming in a house or a large secure outdoor cage. So she can use her energy and also mentioned that I want to have updates on her. She’s a lovely girl but the situation at home is going out on the other bunnies and her own safety. Odin and Fenris can easily get their energy out in the apartment and easy to bunny proof for them but Embla is always heading out the balcony or climbing the walls. She can reach things so much easier than Odin and Fenris.

So I just don’t think it’s fair for her to be stuck in a smaller area when she truly need to be able to run full speed with zoomies and do binkies. Of course she will be only rehomed when the right home turns up.
I’m sorry you need to rehome her. I hope she finds a great home though!
I will only rehome her when a good home turns up. Otherwise she will stay with me and we will try to make it work. I will just need to buy water proof bed covers and easy to wash carpets etc. But best would be that she found a home that could give her all the space she needs to be a fully happy bun.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, after Toste had to be put down I told myself to never own another lop eared bunny. Because I had so many health issues because of bad genetics. Today I had a person asking if I’m interested to take over a bunny who needs a new home. It’s a rexed fur holland lop mix with loped ears.

It’s like how it was back when I got my girl Lilja a couple of years ago. Didn’t plan for it but I got the most loveliest bunny that gave me a lot of love. So I told them if she needs a home I can take her.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, after Toste had to be put down I told myself to never own another lop eared bunny. Because I had so many health issues because of bad genetics. Today I had a person asking if I’m interested to take over a bunny who needs a new home. It’s a rexed fur holland lop mix with loped ears.

It’s like how it was back when I got my girl Lilja a couple of years ago. Didn’t plan for it but I got the most loveliest bunny that gave me a lot of love. So I told them if she needs a home I can take her.
That bunny couldn’t end up with a more loving, amazing home.
Hello Hermelin

Thank you so much for sharing and doing life together with us!!

Just wanted you to know at I simply love your blog. I´m sitting with a cup of tea with a big smile on my face having a blast, while my own Bonny Bianca sends happy binkies to you saying "Hi" to your absolutely amazing Bonnies.....
Hello Hermelin

Thank you so much for sharing and doing life together with us!!

Just wanted you to know at I simply love your blog. I´m sitting with a cup of tea with a big smile on my face having a blast, while my own Bonny Bianca sends happy binkies to you saying "Hi" to your absolutely amazing Bonnies.....
Hi Sissel I’m glad you enjoy my small rabbit blog of their bunny life and say hi to your lovely bunbun Bianca.
The new bunny of the family will be called Tyra after Tyr from the nordic mythology. So we are following the same as before and she’s called Tira, so it just a small change but prounced the same in my language ☺️

So we are fixing her insurance already and the other owner will take her to get vaccinated at least 2 weeks before the move. Which I will pay for. Because Tyra live up north where they have rarely cases of RHD or myxo while in my area we have it. So she will protected before the move. While the insurance are to make sure when we do the health check up it will cover for her at that time.

Tyra is the one with agouti fur, she’s vienna marked with white ears in the genetics. She’s not spayed but I will stand for those costs. She’s a lovely 3 year old girl. We don’t know when we will pick her up because I’m working 6 days/week this month and I need at least 2 days free to be able to pick her up. So it might be next month. 15135999-8C67-4412-967F-86A16FF38B29.jpeg

This month the plan are to buy:

water proof mattress cover for all the beds and couch cover as to make Odin & Embla can free roam again. I will just need to clean everytime I get home.

Fenris are roaming rest of the apartment.

Buy things for a ball pit and sand box

Cat tunnels and try to find a furniture to keep a litter box hidden in the living room.

While for the rest of the bunny gang. Fenris have finally started to get her first molt and she have her favorite spot in the living room.

Odin got a messy bum because of eating too much pellets than what he can handle at the moment but he’s on a hay diet. Now he stomp when I close Embla in the cage to let her eat in peace while he can only stare at her.

I don’t have a new picture of Embla in store but she choice to mark my clean laundry. So I had to throw them in again. At least this time it was the laundry and not the couch or bed 😂

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