So I have a almost 4 month old rabbit. He is a male. He is sweet when he wants. He loves getting petted and loves sleeping. He is a bit aggressive tho. Not when I go near him or anything just when I touch things he considers his. Like when I try to clean his mess (for example the Pellets he got all over the Floor) he runs towards me and bites me. Sometimes hard sometimes not. He is not sprayed yet cuz he is too young. He does bite when he is annoyed with us( when he doesn't want to be petted anymore) which I understand but when I move his toys he runs and bites me. That happens with nearly everything that is his and especially his food and water bowl. And also he knows how to use his litter box but still goes on my bed and pees.
(He is not a free roamed rabbit which I know isn't the best. He does live in a cage at night but he is almost all day outside. Since I am still underage I live with my parents and they don't want him running around.He still seems happy, he flops and runs around ,he does little binkies)
This is the litterbox I have in my room and the green is his water and food bowl.
(Also sorry if my English is bad. It's not my first language. And sorry for the long text)

Is there any way to stop that?
(He is not a free roamed rabbit which I know isn't the best. He does live in a cage at night but he is almost all day outside. Since I am still underage I live with my parents and they don't want him running around.He still seems happy, he flops and runs around ,he does little binkies)
This is the litterbox I have in my room and the green is his water and food bowl.
(Also sorry if my English is bad. It's not my first language. And sorry for the long text)

Is there any way to stop that?