My bun, Ainsley passed away yesterday and I just have no idea what happened.
She was a 2 year old Lionhead mix (I suspect that she was mixed with mini lop.)
She was really lethargic and stopped eating the early morning of December 21 (I noticed at around 3AM, and had brought her to her pen with her bonded mate at around 11PM when she was acting normal). I fed her baby gas drops because I’d read that that can help if you suspect stasis.
The next day, when she wasn’t doing any better, I was able to get an appointment with our vet. We brought her in and he said that it seemed like the early stages of GI stasis, and that she had a fever, but that that could have easily been a symptom of being stressed because of the car ride and being at the vet. He gave me meds to give her, told me to feed critical care, and continue gas drops.
So, I did just that. The rest of the 21st and 22nd, I did just that. She hadn’t started eating again on her own yet, but I figured she just might still be uncomfortable from the stasis.
I wake up on the 23rd, and shes grunting in the corner of the pen, facing the corner, and her bonded mate is right behind her watching her. I go in, and I pick her up. She started to seize… so I set her down on her side on the floor. My parents were there and they called the vet.
Her breathing was incredibly laboured. The vet said he could see her, but mind you, it’s about 30 minutes away. Her breathing became even more shallow as we were in the car. She passed in the parking lot…
I just don’t know what this could’ve been… If anyone has any ideas as to what happened… please let me know.
She was a 2 year old Lionhead mix (I suspect that she was mixed with mini lop.)
She was really lethargic and stopped eating the early morning of December 21 (I noticed at around 3AM, and had brought her to her pen with her bonded mate at around 11PM when she was acting normal). I fed her baby gas drops because I’d read that that can help if you suspect stasis.

The next day, when she wasn’t doing any better, I was able to get an appointment with our vet. We brought her in and he said that it seemed like the early stages of GI stasis, and that she had a fever, but that that could have easily been a symptom of being stressed because of the car ride and being at the vet. He gave me meds to give her, told me to feed critical care, and continue gas drops.
So, I did just that. The rest of the 21st and 22nd, I did just that. She hadn’t started eating again on her own yet, but I figured she just might still be uncomfortable from the stasis.
I wake up on the 23rd, and shes grunting in the corner of the pen, facing the corner, and her bonded mate is right behind her watching her. I go in, and I pick her up. She started to seize… so I set her down on her side on the floor. My parents were there and they called the vet.
Her breathing was incredibly laboured. The vet said he could see her, but mind you, it’s about 30 minutes away. Her breathing became even more shallow as we were in the car. She passed in the parking lot…
I just don’t know what this could’ve been… If anyone has any ideas as to what happened… please let me know.