Having difficulty focusing at work. But I'll be fine. We're worried about Xiao Wu the most.Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. I hope you’re doing okay![]()
He was almost 1 years old. We were preparing for a B-Day party for the two. But our focus will be solely on Xiao Wu.Oh dear! What misfortune, to be gone without any prior notice. One of the worst ways to lose a dear one. I'm so sorry for your loss, especially for Xiao Wu. I'm sure that she'll be fine as long as you're still there for her.
Binky free, Tu'er Shen.
And I'm truly sorry for the loss of Arnold.Am so sorry foryour loss.
Thank you.I'm so sorry for your loss and definitely hope Xiao Wu won't have a hard time coping with his loss. You definitely provided a great home for Tu'er Shen in the time he was with you~
How do you all, who have adopted rabbits for many years, deal with a sudden loss like this? All of my pent up sorrow is just gushing out right now, preventing me from sleeping. I had to calm myself and not let this get to me because of work, but because of it, I'm constantly crying. I want my Shen back. It's not fair!So sorry for your loss, it breaks our heart too.
Very true. And honestly, if not for Shen, we wouldn't have thought of getting Xiao Wu and helping to make her life better than what she had before. And that's important.Over the decades we've rescued more than 50, rehomed some and others were with us til they passed. Every passing leaves a hole in your life and your heart--in the final analysis we can hang onto the good memories and celebrate their time with us--the sorrow never truly goes away.
Good to know that you two are doing somewhat better than the day before. Excellent news that Xiao is looking for your attention, she truly loves you and would probably follow you to the ends of the earth. She truly deserves it.And Miss Xiao Wu has been extra clingy since yesterday and we're giving her extra attention because of it. Gotta be calm. Gotta be relaxed. Rabbits are sensitive animals and can sense my emotions. I'm, still, going to celebrate Xiao Wu's birthday. She deserves it. She's a good bunny. I still love our diva.
I am. I know it takes time. I've lost pets before, but losing Shen hurt as much as it did when I lost my mom. But yes. I am focusing my attention on Xiao Wu. She needs extra spoiling. Extra hay, extra space to zoomy.I just couldn't believe this when I saw it. I'm so sorry you've lost your little guy. All I can say is it takes time to get past the shock and pain of losing them, and just try your best to focus your attention on your remaining bun.
Yes. Yes she does. Extra spoils for the bunny.Good to know that you two are doing somewhat better than the day before. Excellent news that Xiao is looking for your attention, she truly loves you and would probably follow you to the ends of the earth. She truly deserves it.