Hi, I have my bunny Leo for 7 months now, he lived in a playpen, but now he’s fully free roam bunny for a one week now. He’s already neutered. It’s been almost a month now after operation. So before the operation his litter box habits were quite okey, sometimes he was just marking his territory. We got him fixed and all the marking poops disappeared. So We were playing with him the other day, we annoyed him a little bit with the toys, he got angry, but that was funny, he was just tossing the toys, but then after some time we came to the room and all over the sofa were poops Everywhere
I cleaned it, came back and again, so many poops
Everything was okey again for a night and the next day, but today, in the morning I came to the room and again...a lot of poops on the sofa and he even peed a little bit
Is he angry on us for something or it’s just his litter box habits got worse? Please help, because it’s really annoying