Wiki Rabbit (formerly Remington)

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Thanks for the lists!

I was going to formulate my own to match what veggies/greens both Bearded Dragons and Bunnies can eat for my own personal use as well lol. That way it's easier for me to shop for the critters!

Yeah, he loves his pellets. I've been feeding less and he's been eating more hay as well which is great! He figured out his hay feeder lol. He had one that went on the outside before but I wasn't a fan of it, it didn't seem like he even knew it existed. So I use one now that goes in the cage and has the area for the salt-lick. I do have a salt-lick in there though I know they aren't necessary if they're getting all the veggies and pellets that they need. He hasn't really done anything with it which is what I expected, but I'd rather have it in there just in case.

He does....lick things though...primarily the floor....and my clothes.....he's weird. I found someone saying they may lick the floor to cool down as well as stretching out? But...if he does it all the time and on any floor, is it just a habit he's gotten himself into? Does he like the taste? He does it to linoleum, fake wood, rug, and plywood flooring. And then also my clothes, it's almost like he's grooming my clothes.

I also have a friend who has shown and bred bunnies all her life. She isn't a big-wig or anything but she is well known. She tells me that bunnies don't need friends and many of them shouldn't be with friends. Now, I'm going to make my own assumption and say she's with her bunnies more of the day than I am. I'm away from home at least 10 hours out of the day for work/travel that goes with it. Then sometimes more if I'm going to the gym or something else. this case, it would be better for him to have a friend. Then if I were home more often, he might not need a friend as much. Am I correct in my assumptions here? I realize that many have their own opinions as well. I was just surprised to hear that form a Rabbit breeder and show person.
This will be my first weekend away from Wiki. Putting my mom in charge of feeding him. She wants me to portion out his food for her so she doesn't accidentally overfeed him. So that should be no problem. Will clean his cage out Thursday before I leave and then when I get back Sunday night. Shouldn't be too bad, just bought some more escarole (though, it looks more like Chicory....weird) and some Cilantro for him since he loves both and doesn't leave him stinking too badly lol.

Something I fed him made his pee smell worse than usual the other day. Maybe the endive or the yellow squash I gave him? Those were the only new things. He's not a fan of yellow squash it seems but looooved that Endive!

He's been a bit of a butt as of late, getting into things and acting like he's bored even though he has plenty of other things to destroy and play with >.> He's decided that the EVA foam mat under his cage has to go and is slowly destroying it. I bought him a doggie bed for him to play in and destroy if he wants. So far he seems to like it.

Going to add some thick cardboard to the top of his cage because he likes to climb up there and I'd rather him not get sore hocks, so cardboard for stability and then probably a fleece blanket over that to make it nice and soft. I have a unused cat tree at my dad's that I want to bring over, I think he'd like that a lot, just need space for it >.< He loves to climb. Never thought of bunnies as climbers but it works.

The EVA mat did help soften his thumps but I think I need to double it lol, I can still hear it downstairs, though, not as badly which is good!
I love your bun!
E lop is one breed I would love to have as I like my buns big and who doesn't love those long ears plus I have heard they have wonderful personalities.

Just a thought but you could ask the vet about trimming his nails while he's in for the neuter if they are still longish. Maybe they can even trim them after the neuter before he wakes up so they can get a good look to get close without hitting the quick

If he jumps to the top of his cage and it's wire than it's a great idea to put something up there as he could catch a foot in the wire when jumping down and injure himself. Maybe even zip tie the cardboard in place.
I love your bun!
E lop is one breed I would love to have as I like my buns big and who doesn't love those long ears plus I have heard they have wonderful personalities.

Just a thought but you could ask the vet about trimming his nails while he's in for the neuter if they are still longish. Maybe they can even trim them after the neuter before he wakes up so they can get a good look to get close without hitting the quick

If he jumps to the top of his cage and it's wire than it's a great idea to put something up there as he could catch a foot in the wire when jumping down and injure himself. Maybe even zip tie the cardboard in place.

I may not have mentioned here as I have another journal on another forum.
I did cut his nails, he wasn't happy but it's all done. :)
And yeah, I guess I also forgot to mention that I was going to zip tie the cardboard on. lol, guess great minds think alike hm?

Wiki is quite a trouble maker >.> can't wait till he's neutered so I'll let you know if he's worth it or not lol. The other English Lop/Holland Lop mix we had was so much easier than Wiki >.>

Wiki had his first vet appointment last night and we've scheduled his snipping which is going to cost me an arm and a leg O.O $400 for his neutering :-/ but Dr. Spelman knows exactly what she's doing and I know he's in great hands with her at least. So, it's worth it. His appointment last night as $100 but every checkup after is only $50 which is great.

So he's got a mostly clean bill of health! His ears are nice and open, she said sometimes with Lops, the canal is bent and closes up but he has a great, straight canal all the way in. He did have some gunk in his ear which is why he'd been scratching. She's going to give him a full clean while he's out on his neutering which is great. She was able to get a good bunch of it out last night but told me to call should he start itching more or getting worse with it. I need to work with him on touching so he doesn't freak out as much. He was very feisty last night >.< He tried to bite the vet tech >.< oi....

His gut is doing alright, she said he needs more hay and less greens. So he should really only have greens as an occasional thing she said to get him to eat more hay than anything else. I gave him some greens this morning (mostly because our power is out and I don't want the escarole to go to waste >.>) and lots of hay he can munch on. He prefers loose hay over being in the hay basket/rack thing.

His teeth might become an issue she said. His front top teeth are uneven, his secondary insicors are a little long but she's going to trim them when she does the neuter as well (reasons why the neuter is going to be expensive). His back molars are starting to "wave" which means that he was eating way too many pellets before and not enough hay. When a bunny chews on soft stuff like pellets, they chew up and down which then grinds down the middle of the tooth because the bottoms are bigger than the top. This leaves the edges becoming spikes which can then bite and poke on the tongue/cheek and leave abscesses eventually. When a bunny eats hay, they eat in a circular motion which grinds down the whole tooth instead. Same with horses as we know here ^_^ So lots of hay is needed!

Wanted to write down the results here so that I can remember and maybe for others if they don't know as well and find this info. I love my vet! She wanted me to learn all about it and let me look down his ear and in his mouth to see his teeth. So cool! She's such a great vet and I highly recommend her even if costs are a little high; it's worth it because she knows what she's doing and is very confidant. And, because, she wants to teach you as well so you know too! And can take better care of your animal which I am all for!

So he was mostly a good bunny, they gave him a craisin to help him think the vet is good lol. I don't think he was sold but he did hop around for a bit happily. Oh! And he's just over 9 pounds. She said she doesn't see many English Lops in her office and he was one of the bigger ones she's seen before lol.

I do need to trim his claws again, they got long rather quickly. They aren't long enough to hurt yet but I figure I'll do little trimmings here and there so he can get used to my hold and behaving. This will be (hopefully) easier when he's neutered and not so aggressive >.<
Wiki has been kind of restless as of late. Bad behaviors are starting! Once he get's into a place that I don't want him in (the other side of the attic for instance) and I get him out and block that entrance, he becomes fixated on getting back into that area instead of roaming the other open areas I have for him >.< I'll probably make a thread on that since it's frustrating the crud out of me!

Need to make him a few dig boxes and stuff he can play with other than eating my plunger >.> or throwing the glass bowl around (tiny fish bowl not used for fish but décor, since taken out of his reach >.>). He tries to dig at the door and digs at the EVA foam mat under his cage....sigh. He's destructive but not as bad as he could be at least, so that's...good. But yeah it's frustrating.

He knows how to push his cage door open so I've had to use a cliff climber clip thing to keep it shut at night so he doesn't escape >.> I really need to clean out that room so I can let him run around in that free range more or less. I'm afraid he'd dig up the carpet though >.> Not what I need.
I have some fleece scraps I can put into a box for him but I'm afraid he'd soil them, should I just throw them into a lingerie bag and wash them? Is it worth it? Or should I use something else I wonder.
He sounds like a handful! Hopefully the neutering will calm him down and give you a break. I can't remember if you mentioned how old he is or how long you have had him. My flemmish giant I love soooo much but can remember how much he drove me nuts trying to work around his bad behaviors when he was young. It felt like I spent all of my time trying to out think a rabbit...not good for ones confidence. lol Now that he is older there are no worries.
He sounds like a handful! Hopefully the neutering will calm him down and give you a break. I can't remember if you mentioned how old he is or how long you have had him. My flemmish giant I love soooo much but can remember how much he drove me nuts trying to work around his bad behaviors when he was young. It felt like I spent all of my time trying to out think a rabbit...not good for ones confidence. lol Now that he is older there are no worries.

Yep, in my first post.
He's just over a year and I've only had him a month and a half now.

He's actually gotten better now that I've kept him out of his cage 24/7. He still goes to the bathroom in his cage which is great, he's typically been good with that except for plastic; he loves to pee on hard plastic >.< He hasn't been as annoying and will come up on my bed for pets or to see what I'm doing. I was worried he'd destroy my rooms but so far, it's been since Friday and he's done nothing of note other than run around like crazy happy lol.
Man so I've had Wiki for almost a year! How time has flown! Next month on the 24th will mark a year. He's currently two years old, neuter went super well back in December. He's fully healed, gained a bit of weight. He's been doing very well being clicker trained ("around", "here", and "up" are his commands so far for his tricks).

He's been free roaming for the last month or so and it's been fantastic. No more digging or chewing on the carpets. All his hormones have run out so he's settled down but I realized he was bored and lonely when I'm away. I'm away at work for about 10 hours a day (including travel, sometimes longer if I go shopping). So, I decided to find him a bond mate! I found a female English Spot (how cute!) who is fixed, she's a year and a half old now and completely free! So I'm picking her up today and will start the bonding sessions very soon! I'm hoping for love at first sight (don't we all?) but I'm prepared for the long battle if it comes to. Their personalities seem very similar, laid back, submissive (for now), excited to see people, trainable, so I'm hoping they will be a good match. Her name is Cookie Dough because she looks like cookie dough ice cream! Super excited to bring her home today! I have a large dog crate to house her in for the moment while I keep them separate but still near each other. I've done a ton of reading on bonding and am prepared as I'll ever be!

I'll send photos later when I get some good ones, the ones from the owner are kinda crappy.
So I picked up Cookie Dough last night! Shes super cute!

So shes not a full English Spot, I think shes Lionhead cross which explains her smaller size, longer fur, smaller head, and smaller ears. Shes supposed to be 5 pounds roughly but is more like 7 or 8 for being overweight. The prior owner had good intentions but primarily fed her pellets over hay. Now she'll get primarily hay and some greens. She was on Walmart pellets so now she'll be on Oxbow with the proper fiber diet.

She also has this strange laceration on her hindquarters. It looks like someone took scissors to her and cut the fur and accidentally cut the skin too. The skin cut is small and healing but still sensitive. It could be from her previous cage too. It was made from chicken wire, a nice 5 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot cage so plenty room to run. But I think the chicken wire had dug into her if she sat against it all the time.

She was mad at me for doing an actual brush XD shes melting and I think has been all summer but her owner had one of those silly grooming kits and the brushes were too small. I used my flea comb to actually dig in and remove the slightly matted undercoat she was shedding. The owner had been complaining some of her fur was driving her allergies up (yeah, had you properly brushed her, that wouldnt have happened) so I figured she wasn't brushing properly and I was right. I wasnt able to do all her fur and I didnt want to stress her too much but got a few handfuls out. She was turning her back on me last night XD I love that is how most rabbits show displeasure with you, I find it hilarious. The ol, if I cant see you then you're not there, routine XD

But this morning she was much more excited to see me, hopped around some in her cage and let me pet her soundly. I let Wiki out and he mostly ignored her. Hes extremely food driven. She still has work to do, only likes alfalfa treats ehich needs to change since shes a year and a half old. I dont keep alfalfa anything in the house, I use second cut Timothy hay and Timothy treats or orchard hay.

Wiki was trying to bite her through the cage, understandable since shes in his territory. So I had to put up the fence around her cage so he couldnt reach her. Both are fixed. So I wanted to give her time to settle before starting to bond. I was going to start in the bathtub since that's neutral and the smell is overpowering from my bodywash. Hes been in there before but since I constantly shower, should be fine.

I need to get her to my vet for her first checkin but mostly she seems okay. Teeth might be waving due to being primarily on pellets so shed going to be on hay almost exclusively for a while to make sure those ground down again. And she can lose some weight!


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Had a bit of a mishap today when I got home.

Got home to the first cut picture and I was praying, oh please let them be in love. Turned out he was just guarding his territory. I made the rookie mistake of letting her out near me. Wiki was eating so I figured hed be preoccupied for a bit. He came over to attack CD, I grabbed him and pushed her into her cage again and he bit my hand in the process. It was more of a warning bite, didn't break skin but still hurt enough. I pushed him away and then locked him in his cage, telling him he was a bad bun. Let CD out when he was caged up. Shes still getting used to it all but finds sanctuary in her cage which is good!

So, I'll have to be careful with their first bunny date. I figure a week for her to settle in, get used to me more and trust me before setting them up. I also want to try the swapping cages nightly too so he can get used to her scent and maybe calm himself more.

But, shes adorable and I love her already. Mom is not pleased I brought home another bunny but hey, I'm moving out soon should all go well.

I figured out she is a Rhinelander Lionhead mix! Most likely, maybe something else but those are the two dominant features. She doesnt have a mane yet but I can see the beginnings of what might be one or just some longer fur.


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I am so jealous
I am bunny sitting a french Lop and desperately want either one but it is so difficult to find in rescue.
I am a believer in no cages. Pens gives your rabbit more freedom, especially a rabbit this size
I also don’t believe in taking your bunny outdoors, especially in the summer. Too many things can happen. I have worked hours on taking tics and botflies out of bunnies rescued. Please consider and enjoy your new friend
I am so jealous
I am bunny sitting a french Lop and desperately want either one but it is so difficult to find in rescue.
I am a believer in no cages. Pens gives your rabbit more freedom, especially a rabbit this size
I also don’t believe in taking your bunny outdoors, especially in the summer. Too many things can happen. I have worked hours on taking tics and botflies out of bunnies rescued. Please consider and enjoy your new friend

Um, thanks.
Wiki does have a cage that he sleeps in for the night but it's a large 3 foot one. But he stays out during the day. Cookie Dough has to stay in her cage all day since I can't trust her yet and she surely won't bond with Wiki for quite some time.

I never said I was going to take either outside, nor do I ever want to. I have wild rabbits around and would rather not risk diseases.
My apologies for my response to taking bunny outside. I see so much of that here and have rescued a lot of outdoor bunnies
Can I say again how jealous I am. My favorite bunnies are lops and I always wanted and English or French bunny
Been a while again lol.

Wiki's calmed down quite a bit now that it's officially been 1 year from his neuter.

I've just found Cookie Dough a home! She'll be leaving Saturday morning at 10am. I'm moving to Norfolk, VA in just two weeks so I needed to find her a new home. She and Wiki never got along. So I couldn't take both of them sadly. She's a real good bun.

Wiki is fairly well bonded with me and being that he's a Lop, doesn't mind being alone during the day. He just naps all day even when I am there. Heck, half the time I open his cage and he just continues his nap there without a care lol. He's a good bun too.

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