Good bye Beth

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I'm sorry about losing Beth, but atleast she had 7 wonderful years with you guys
Run free and wild on rainbow bridge sweet one.
she was and still is my baby girl, I'll never forget the time she crawled into my shirt pocket when I first had her, or when she would lay on my lap in my mushroom chair when I was playing Xenosaga 2 on Playstation 2, she was my little video game bunny
Beth was our first real rescue--our first two were our daughters that were not being taken care of. I did an interview with the local paper about "make mine chocolate" about bunnies being abandoned after Easter. Next week, right after Easter we got a call from a school janitor we knew about a bunny "found" in a park next to the school. She was a tiny little thing at less than a pound, but very social and cute. Man did she grow too--over 10 pounds. She lived her whole life with our son and it was with great sorrow that she passed to the bridge 3 years ago. I still remember the day we acquired you--you were in a pen on the lawn and no mower would be needed with you around. Goodby my little sweetie, we all love and miss you.
She was a beautiful rabbit. So sorry she had to take the rainbow bridge so early.
Elizabeth passed peacefully this morning. She was with us for a little over seven years--not nearly as long as we would have liked. She was found, dumped in a park after Easter more than 7 years ago. She only weighed 14 ounces and we figured she was at the most 8 weeks old. She was a beautiful little gray bunny with white, tan, and black high lights. At the end of a year she was over Ten pounds. She was a lap bunny--she'd sit on your lap for hours and was a big cuddle bun. We're going to miss you sweetie. Rest in peace and binky free my "big" little girl.:bunnyangel:
I am truly sorry for your loss. You gave Elizabeth a wonderful life. I hope your memories carry you through your sad times. Big hugs xoox
Another year has passed since you left us. I still remember how tiny, cute, and sweet you were,and you'll always be that tiny little baby girl to us who grew to be a couch seat stealer. Miss you a lot, but you are still here with us, even if it is in memory only. I still have a hard time understanding how someone just threw you away, but it was there loss and definitely our gain my sweet little girl. Love ya!
Doesn't seem possible that it's been ten years my big lady--still remember how tiny/young you were when we first rescued you--only 14 ounces and probably 7 or 8 weeks old and dumped at a park--one year later you were 10 pounds and a little bossy. Rest in peace my little one.
Another year gone by without you-11 actually, but it sure doesn't seem that long. You were such a sweet bunny so it's still hard for me when I think of how some idiot threw you out like trash--their loss, our gain. Til next year sweetie.

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