Update on ZRabbits:
I haven't talked about the babies of the Tribe for some bit.
Neville, My Foundation Buck, will be 5 months old tomorrow. Can't believe it's been that long since this little guy came home to our Tribe.
First Day Home
He's done really well. Only one incident which was scary but he's now back to his ole self.
He's grown into such a handsome bunny, with a laid back personality. And he really does look like a lion now.
His Mane is really filling in.
And you can see his skirt which is still really filled out.
Love this pic. Love that little tail. lol
And now that he's loosing his baby fur, you can really see his saddle.
Luna, our Foundation Doe, will be 4 months old on May 29th, and has settled into the Tribe as well. She actually took over. She's our only doe and boy is she different than the boys. Very forward, knows what she wants, and will let you know when she's upset. Never heard a bunny thump so much. And when she pins her ears back, I call it her "Scary Face". She doesn't scare me, nor does she show any aggression. Just mouthy.
First Day Home
Recent Pic showing how well her Mane has filled out
She has a ring of hair on her nose. We call this her "Unicorn Horn". You can really see it in this pic.
She's got such a pretty face.
Plans here are to mate the pair around October. But that all depends if Luna is ready. Will see when the time comes. Looking forward to this phase of their life. Looking forward to see what's in the nest box between these two. This will be a trial run for all of us, to see if this is what we really want to get into. If not, we will just keep the babies and get Neville and Luna neutered/spayed and just continue enjoying our Tribe, with new members. Maybe even get into rescue. Don't know. Which ever path we take, doesn't matter. We are taking our time, enjoying the bunnies. No pressure. All good.