Larry is the daddy to the babies - that I know for sure.
Here is the story...Tibba was living in the living room (free roam in a certain penned in area)...she was being treated for an abcess. She started wandering into the garage...well...she did it one day - we brought her back. She did it the next day and Art brought her back and said, "I hated to do it - she was snuggling with the broken tort doe in the garage..".
I said, "BROKEN TORT DOE? There is no broken tort doe in this area of the house at all..".
Turns out Larry escaped from his cage.....we captured Larry and put him back in his cage. (I now double check his cage every time I shut it).
Hence....Tibba and Larry bred the day she was in there and he got loose.
Am I happy about it? Nope. I almost caged her to have the babies - but I was afraid she would hurt them if I caged her near the end (I really didn't think she was pregnant until near the end)...and I hated to take a doe away from Zeus. I knew from past experience that she would probably go have them under the boxes (just knowing does)...and that is apparently what she has done. I'm guessing they're around 10-12 days old now - we should start seeing them soon.
Its driving me nuts that I can't check them for their eyes, etc - but the truth is - I can't find them (I've only looked a little bit as mama is so skittish). She's had babies before and been an excellent mama I'm really not that worried.
Anyway - that is why Miss Bea can't go into the garage yet. Truth be told...Miss Bea is still being moody today - I'm hoping she perks up when I bring Zeus and Tibba in the bedroom for a playdate.