Zeus and his does

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No new photos right now - just an explanation of the title change for Zeus' blog...

I haven't really felt up to sharing - but Ambrosia passed away suddenly a few weeks ago. She'd been ill as a baby and I think one reason I always felt so close to her was that she had been ill and I'd pulled her through. One day she was missing - later we found her and she was gone.

So - I'm going to remove her name from the blog title.

Also - since Miss Bea and Zeus are not together - I will remove her name (for now).

I'm going to call the blog "Zeus & his does" and leave it like that. That way - as he has does in his harem I can share about them.

His current companion is Tibba....she is a black doe that was living in ICU (the living room) and escaped and Zeus wouldn't let us have her back. By that time she was about ready to go back to the rabbitry anyway....and Ambrosia was gone....so we let Zeus keep her.

A couple of days later, Art mentioned about Tibba cuddling up with a broken tort doe that was in the garage....and I told him there were NO broken tort does in the house at all. (Zeus was also in hiding).

Well....as it turns out - Larry had jumped out of his cage....so he got put back and Zeus is happy and Tibba is fat and happy.

I will try to get pictures of Zeus (and maybe Tibba) in a few days....so y'all can see them together. I wanted to rebond him to Miss Bea but it is so hot in the office right now (even with the new window a/c) that I'm going to play it by ear and decide later....

And that is the update on Zeus...

I decided to run out to the garage and get pictures of Zeus and Tibba tonight...





I know I didn't post about Ambrosia in the Rainbow Bridge area - I just couldn't bring myself to do it....it hurt to see Zeus hurting so badly and he'd already rejected Miss Bea....I hope y'all understand why I just couldn't share before now...

Oh no :( I didn't know about her passing, Peg. I'm so sorry :(

When you say Tibba is "fat".... do you think you have babies on the way?

Zeus is like Hugh Heffner...... ;)
First of all - yes Amy - "dumbo girl" passed away. I have no idea why. It hurts a lot to not see her and Zeusy together like before....

And is Tibba pregnant? I don't know for sure - I suspect she might be. Since Zeus loves the little rabbits - and since he bites me whenI try to separate them (nips at me) - I am letting her stay in the garage with him. She has plenty of hiding spaces...

Here's some pictures of Miss Bea - and Zeus...






I need to get some baby wipes for my white boy so I can keep him white...at least try to. Living in the dusty dirty garage certainly isn't the best way for a white bunny to stay white.

I feel so conflicted and confused about Zeus right now. I love him dearly. Not like Tiny (but he's NOT Tiny). The thing is - unless I want to go in and sit on the floor in the hot garage - I don't get to spend much time with him. He hates it when I pick him up and bring him in on the bed.

But I don't want to go sit on the yucky garage floor.

I'd move him back to the office but the fact is - he really seems to love the garage. So do I do what I want...which is have him close by me (or try it)...or do I do what he wants...which is to leave him there. He comes to the doorway sometimes to see us as we walk by...and he knows his way around the house. (He hasn't yet met the puppy...I'm not sure how that will go).

Right now - I'm just letting him be where he is happy. Sometimes Lambykins (you'd have to see my lionhead thread to know who she is) will go in the garage and Bandita frequently goes in there too. (But both girls love to come running back to the office for their food and for the litter box...).

I wish he and Miss Bea were together again but honestly, she's pretty happy where she is now. (Maybe he was meant to be a temporary fling to get her over Tiny??).

Decisions....decisions....I hate them.

Until Ambrosia died, I had hopes of bringing him back to the office as she liked the office and Miss Bea and she would roam to the garage too....but its like Zeus has his mind set on the garage and Miss Bea has her mind set on the office (which is cooler than the garage).

Thats too bad about Zeus being sort of antisocial. Do you think maybe its bc of the warmer temps coming and he just really likes being cool? Garages are usually so cool- especially the floor :)
I brought Zeus and Tibba in the bedroom today for about 6 hours - Miss Bea is now sulking (more about that later) as they have since gone back to the garage.

I think Tibba has at least 2-3 babies (judging by her nipples)...so I won't let Miss Bea join them in the garage yet (although I think I'll have a trio again).

Here are some pics from today - I may share more later....one is a slideshow you'll need to click on to find Miss Bea.

Sorry about the bed - I'd stripped it to wash all the sheets and comforter...thanks to a certain Miss Bea...





i love the pic with miss bea in the bowl, too funny................:roflmao:

so, any idea who's the daddy to tibba's babies?

miss bea....................bowl..................zeus..........tibba...........hehehehehehe.......................
Larry is the daddy to the babies - that I know for sure.

Here is the story...Tibba was living in the living room (free roam in a certain penned in area)...she was being treated for an abcess. She started wandering into the garage...well...she did it one day - we brought her back. She did it the next day and Art brought her back and said, "I hated to do it - she was snuggling with the broken tort doe in the garage..".

I said, "BROKEN TORT DOE? There is no broken tort doe in this area of the house at all..".

Turns out Larry escaped from his cage.....we captured Larry and put him back in his cage. (I now double check his cage every time I shut it).

Hence....Tibba and Larry bred the day she was in there and he got loose.

Am I happy about it? Nope. I almost caged her to have the babies - but I was afraid she would hurt them if I caged her near the end (I really didn't think she was pregnant until near the end)...and I hated to take a doe away from Zeus. I knew from past experience that she would probably go have them under the boxes (just knowing does)...and that is apparently what she has done. I'm guessing they're around 10-12 days old now - we should start seeing them soon.

Its driving me nuts that I can't check them for their eyes, etc - but the truth is - I can't find them (I've only looked a little bit as mama is so skittish). She's had babies before and been an excellent mama though...so I'm really not that worried.

Anyway - that is why Miss Bea can't go into the garage yet. Truth be told...Miss Bea is still being moody today - I'm hoping she perks up when I bring Zeus and Tibba in the bedroom for a playdate.

I forgot to add - Miss Bea is in New Hope's house - its an upside down guinea pig igloo. Its where he sleeps and it keeps him contained. I have tried baskets but he really likes this better....

I bought Miss Bea a basket today of her own thinking it might help. She looked at it - looked at me - jumped out - and laid her head in New Hope's igloo and asked him to groom her.

I don't think it helps that she's really wanting to breed right now...
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Oh, Peg! I'm in love with Tibba now! She and Zeus are precious together.
Isn't she cute? I can't take photos worth beans of black bunnies....I wish you could see her "pug" nose....or upturned or whatever. She has just the cutest nose...

On a sad note (which doesn't belong here) - we lost "Taylor, the Latte' Bun" tonight. I'm not handling it well. I can only suspect it was the heat - nothing else appears to be the issue - and even then - I can't be sure it was the heat...

I am trying to decide whether or not to do a Rainbow Bridge thread for him....after all - he was only a "bred" bunny from a litter - not one of my pets. (Seriously, I'd hoped to pawn him off on Zin cause he was so darn cute...).

First we lost Val (but not the same symptoms) - now Taylor. I remember when he was born and every day going to check the nest and say, "I wonder if they're still alive - are they peanuts or are they just runts?" Every day Taylor & Peanut would still be with us.

Ok - gotta go - I'm in tears again...

But yes - Tibba is so adorable...and FAST.
Aww Peg, I'm sorry about your little guy :(

I do love that Tibba tho - she looks like she could be a real mischievious one! but so sweet as well.

I can't wait to see the babies!!!
These are some more of the photos I took the other day (I also took a video I need to upload)...I played with the lighting of the ones of Zeus & Tibba so you could see her better - then the last few are "The Many Faces of Zeus"...hope you enjoy!











I think Zeus *may* be part of a trio again - but only time will tell. Unfortunately, he and Tibba continually chase Miss Bea out of the garage....(and it looks like Tibba didn't have any babies after all).

But Splash has spent the last two or three days hanging out in the kitchen and sneaking into the garage whenever she can....(she used to like to go in there and look at the bucks when they were in cages in there).

Tibba has been chasing her out a lot...until today. Now Splash is laying beside some of the old cages that are gonna be trashed....Zeus is about 10' away in his hidey hole he likes (behind a big container)...and Tibba is ... somewhere. Not sure where...

Here is Splash - she's a sister to Bandita (one of my favorites)...




and here is the handsome young Zeus she wants to join


...when asked about Splash he was unwilling to make a comment...


Splash seems to think she'd make the perfect "third" bunny for a trio - this way we'd have a black bunny, a white bunny, and a black and white bunny....

