Your Christmas list

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Aw Mike....I thought you wanted all these lionheads......I was just getting a box big enough to ship them to you...

(Folks..that is ONLY a joke - I know enough to not ship rabbits in a box).

Seriously, I know what I'm getting for Christmas because I ordered it with my husband's encouragement...

...the 7th Season of West Wing on DVD.

I also just recently bought about $300 of new clothes and I asked hubbyto consider those my Christmas present. I don't buy clothes very oftenbut when I do - I spend about that much...

West Wing should be arriving tomorrow and since I know Eric likes it asmuch as I do (and he leaves for his girlfriend's place on the 26th) -we'll be opening it as soon as it comes!

Haley & TinysMom

I guess some of you didn't seeor forgot about her,:craziness:roflmao:I'm gettingMongo's Little Sister this Saturday, her pics are in his Blog. :wink

Thiswas Planed the day I picked Mongo up.:yes:

Here she is Again!


Oh! Yes I would Still Love one of your LionLops!:inlove:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Chad and I allready got our cristmas gift toeach other,our:inlove: happy healthy Nuggles back! What morecould we possibly want?:hug:

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

all Foster buns!:reindeertongue:
Christmas list...ROFL...every year dear hubbyasks for a list. I make up a list. Hecomplains my list is too specific. So I make a moregeneral list. That list doesn't give him enoughideas. Now the man has been married to me for over 16 years,but hey this year I made a list. It'salmost two pages long goes from generic tospecific. He still had complaints aboutit. I finally told him " Buy me what you want cause Iobviously am not writing down what you want me to get you" and I stuckmy tongue out at him. The boys (15, 14 and 12) are roaringwith laughter. It seems my hubby wants me to put down a listof all expensive things. That's NOT me. I am happywith bubble bath ( I put down 6 gallons just to be a brat), a goodbook, some nice scented candles, new jammes and maybe a newperfume. I don't like expensive jewelry as I tendto lose it. I drive a school bus, climbaround under the engine and spend a good portion of my day freezing mytookis off and dealing with 71 kids ona 71 passengerbus. When I'm not in the bus I'm at home,teaching my own sons, trying to do housework and cook supper.I just want stuff to relax. I love himthough. And I know that next year, we'll repeatthis all over again. And it's awesome :elephant:
Dear Santa,

I want happy healthy bunnys for all my bunny buddies here on the RO:pleaseplease::bow

I have been extra good this year! So, I just might get this christmas wish!!!:santawink:

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

And all the foster buns!:bunnynurse:

This year I'd like to get better..Unfortunately,I was diagnosed with cancer last month. So,that's my top wish. Otherthan that? I'd really like the Marx Brothers silver edition..
Oh no! Nessa, I hope you get better soon. :pray:

For Christmas, I want an amazingly easy bond between Oberon and theFairie Girls. Or heck, just no aggression please.Then I can keep him!

So sorry to here that:shock::sad:Hope you get well soon!!

I'm So Sorry thatyou werediagnosedcancer andYou'll beincluded inmy nightly Prayers !:pray:

May God Bless You And I hope You get well Soon.:bestwishes:


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

Well I wanted Dallas. Got that.

I wanted Digital cam to take bunny pics. Check got that. It also takes videos. So double check.

Anything else is just extra.

I am more happy than I have been in a long time.
:great:Happy is the best way to be!!:santawink:


And all foster buns!
Good morning from myself, Mookie Moonpie and Benji Buttons !

For Christmas this year I want peace and goodwill to all familymembers, lots of smiley happy faces, and that warm feeling in yourheart that you get when you think of Christmasses past.

We're bunny sitting for Christmas - a lady at work was unable to gether rabbits into a "rabbit hotel" so I came to the rescue.It's a pleasure to have two more buns to look after, but they're so BIGcompared to Mookie and Ben .. (Mookie is a Holland Lop and Benji aNetherland Dwarf) ... These two, Toffee - a stunningly beautiful Rex,and Reggie, a mini lop, look three times the size of my two!Heh! (More to cuddle)

Toffee is very stressy and starts to panic breathe when you pick herup, so she's being left for a bit to settle in before I get acuddle. Reggie on the other hand is the easiest rabbit totrance and totally zonks out in your arms.

It's going to be fun !

My two are both stood looking out of their cage quite clearly worried that they are being replaced .. bless them.

Bunny sitting is the best sitting! I foster for a kill free animalrescue, they take in mostly Ferrets, Parrots, reptiles, and sugargliders. Not exactlya bunnys choice ofbuddys.:shock:So, when a bunny is in need of rescue they callme first and of course I am more than willing. The past 2 months havebeen our biggest foster number so far in the past 3 yrs that we havebeen doing it. We have 5 foster kid!!:Dand a week ago one ofour fosters had her babies!! That brings us to 8 fosters and our 2girls!! I love every second of it.Our family and friends think that anyone who wouldhave 10 indoor rabbits, 2 lrg dogs, a cat, 4birds,3 fish, (and of course the random guiniepigs we babysit for people going out of town)in a small 3 bed room homehas got to be completely:craziness. I agree that itsounds like alot when you name all of them while counting on yourfingers but really it doest feel like it to us. I know that my fosterkids will eventualy find a forever home and that is what is stressfulto me! What will I do without all 10 bunnys!:dunnoThey arewhat I do. They are who I am. I just cant get enough of them!!! To knowme is to luv my bunnys:woohooSo to you I say, Congradulations on thechance you have to do the bunny sitting! I love the extra cuddles fromthe lovey ones and I have all the patience for the ones who try to killme when I offer them a treat:nerves1. :bow

Life is just complete when one becomes a true bunny slave!!:bow

Merry Christmas to you your buns and your tempbunnys!:giftsmiley:Smiles to all of you from all of us!

Shye, Nuggles, Nibbles

And all the foster buns!! Enjoy!
I am a very lucky girl this year, my mum hasjust bought me a quite expensive car and i'm allowed to keep all 6 ofmy bun babies and i can't decide what i'm more excited about!!!
Saffy wrote:
Good morning from myself, Mookie Moonpie and Benji Buttons !

Hi Saffy! Goodto hear from youagain. Have the besttime bunnysitting the newones. How long areyou keepingthem? Hopeall of them have a Merry Christmas.

Nessa, I pray you get your wish. :pray:

And that everybun hashealthy bunnies. Pebbleshad some sneezing last week,and after seeing asuper Vet and gettingsome antibiotics, herrespiratory infection is clearingup. I know Pebbles isgetting better, because Iam getting the:bunnybutt: afterI give her themedicine.

What I want forChristmas? WellI got my camera (NikonD200) last year, andI am stillgrinning from ear toear. :sunshine:

Rainbows! :bunnydance:
Oh, I just realized I got a Christmas presentthat's super spectaculer...though the present won't be arriving forabout three months. :)

And that present would be a third, beautiful, sweet, goofy bunny namedTrixie! It's funny...I promised my husband when we rescuedFlower that we wouldn't have another...but I just can't resist thosefloppy ears!! And I'm certainly not someone to say no to abun in need!! :D

I'm excited to get my bunny Christmas'll be funny to seewhat my kitties think of a black & white bun. They'restill simply fascinated with Flower being's reallyfunny to me. They visit her cage way more often thanthey visit Maisie's. Of course, it could also be that Maisieis so good at blending in with her shreddies. I call her mylittle shadow...she's so great at pretending to be a shadow...sometimesI have to spot her because the fur that lines her nose in just thatthin line of fur that the nose covers when she's not twitching it when she twitches her nose, I get a little whiteflash. :) Look for the nose! :D

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