Your Cages 2010!- No comments please

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How many rabbits do you think this cage can fit comfortably?

Sammy's hutch


Sammy in his hutch


Daisy's condo that hubby and I made. As soon and her and Sammy are bonded, they will live together in here. We have plans to put in a second level so they'll have even more space. :)
Outside Hutches.


Rocky's new cage. He is loving the space and the multiple floors




The New Outside hutches me and my dad just built




Here is my bun bun's brand new cage :D It took about 3 hours, since I did it all by myself.... and also I kept messing up with the cable ties sometimes, haha.
My rabbit LOVES this cage :D
My rabbit's temporary 3x2x2 feet hutch.. The bunnies roam around freely in the house when the german shepherd is in the garden which is about the whole day.. The gsd goes to the garden at 8 am and comes back at 8 pm.. The german shepherd is harmless and the buns are not afraid of her but she has this annoying habit of licking bunnies hence I keep the buns away from her..

I have plans to get each bunny a 4x3x2 feet dog crate but right now there is no stock of the crate size I want.. The bunnies are about 5 weeks old now and they will be separated if they fight or sooner (I believe both are males).. I have ordered a hammock and many more toys.. Both the boys love their existing toys and they push around the ball and dumbell..


the brand new cage we just built! 4 NIC panels across, 2 deep, 4 up. cost us around $120 in materials all up (we got a great deal on the NIC cubes, around 1/5th of the price they were selling them for at bunnings hardware shop)

excuse the lack of pants, its hot in australia at the moment.

also excuse the phone quality pic and the messy lounge room :)
The cage and playpen are both by Critter Ware. The litter box is in the cage, which is covered to simulate an underground burrow. The toys are rotated on a weekly basis to prevent boredom. Comes complete with cat companion.


This is my 7.5'x13' chain link enclosure. It has a wood and tarp roof, making it hawk-proof. The flooring is hardwood and outdoor carpeting. Of my 4 rabbits, 3 of them live in the enclosure, my 2 boys and one of my girls. They are all intact, so I have dividers. The dividers are in fact a pain to climb over, so I'm planning a new fixture for this Spring/Summer. I also plan on slug-proofing it, since I have a huge slug problem in the warm weather.

From right to left: Katmai, Dutch, and Kodiak. Since it's winter now, I have Kody in my room in her cage. In Kody's space in the enclosure, my girl, Gopher has a hutch.


Here is my rabbitry. I have my rabbits outside in the old garage in my back yard.


Today I have 23 rabbits but there is room for at least 6 more. I also have 5 "indoor" cages if I need.The first room:In this cages I have my Netherland dwarfs. They ar 100cm*50cm*50cm its the smallest cages I have and its what the law requires (dont know if I spell that word right)

Here I have my miniloops :) Good cages but a little to deep, they are hard to clean, but I bought them cheap.
This cage is on the floor I usally have it outside on the ground in summertime.

I have a large cage there does is together during winter. Right now its only 2 rabbits living like queens in ther, this pic is from last year.

The second room:

This one is Jabberwocky's up in my room...


For now it is only that one spot with the cubic design so he can strech but I plan on making a ramp and giving him another level.


I need to take some new pictures as some things have changed here... Ty is now where Babbitty was and Babbitty is on the bottom there where Weasly the guinea pig used to be. We use the bottom shelf only for carriers. Each bunny has their own :)


Please ignore the Christmas decorations, they're no longer there...
Also, we have moved Ruffles upstairs so she isn't on top of the two cages to the left and Buttercup and Thumper now are where Ty used to be.

Willow and Peace are upstairs, but I don't have any pics...
This is Michiko Manor. It's approximately 6' x 6'. The sides are made of shelf grids, as is the hay rack. The flooring is plywood with linoleum over it. The linoleum has been stapled down to the plywood to prevent chewing. Around the outside are 4 cinder half-blocks. These are to prevent Michiko from moving the grids around and getting to the edges of the linoleum.


The bunnys houses (Fluffys on the left,Blue and gingers on the right):

Inside Fluffys house:


Inside Blue and Gingers(and their favourite snuggle chair!):

Don't know if this is still relevant, since it's 2011.. but you know, what-ev! Here are my bunny, Levi's, house-photos! :) He resides in our living room of our apartment with an "enclosure" of NIC and a dog kennel that we already had. Just in case he ever needs a real "get away" and doesn't want to be stared at by the dogs or parents or human child.. ;)

The Neat Idea Cubes are 2 cubes high where they aren't next to a wall, using the corner connectors they come with as well as zip ties (trimmed). He sits right on our carpet. He used to have a few accidents here or there (urine), but has since been litter trained. That doesn't mean a few poo pellets don't make their way on the carpet but that's easy to clean up! :) (Plus our apartment's carpet is pretty raggedy anyway, they're gonna have to replace it when we leave regardless. We've been here for 3 years and it's cheap cheap carpet.) We don't have a problem with him chewing up the carpet, either. :)





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