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Wow sorry I didn't see the questions! Yes that is runner from Home Depot, but I actually switched it out for the rug stuff you can get right next to it. It was more slippery than I anticipated.

And Theodore is a Holland Lop :)
thanky you!!! me and my friend are actually starting think that my bunny patches is his regular mini lop but with either part mini rex or part fuzzy lop. he could be all three. we dont know since hes from a foster home and they didnt seem to know what they were doing so... :/
My first NIC cage for our first bunny :biggrin:

I used the design from rabbitcondo, still need to add the top level. I'm also going to raise the step and second level up, I underestimated our buns ability to get up and set them lower than what was recommended. But now I've found that he really likes hanging out under the step, but it's a lil tight for him under there, so I'm going to raise it up and wall it in so it's a better hiding place. After a couple of days of cleaning up, I've also decided to build a lip around both levels to help contain the hay & bedding.


Molly's setup when the babies were with her:

Gubble's current set up (which is the same as Molly's/babies now - I just haven't taken any pictures):

hokankai wrote:
Here's Theo's cage

And the back-up foster setup

what did you use for the flooring? what store did you get it at? howe much does it cost average? i have linolium and carpet but hes chewing it and the linolium isn't long enough so i need to find something with traction.
for the first cage. i was inspired by you to make my cage like that but its not working out too good!!! and he's totally just destroying. anything else i could use other than linolium that is waterproof so if say he were to go to the b-room outside his litter box or if water leaks from his bottle???
funnybunnymummy wrote:

Gus's setup at our new house. We added a third level. He loves it. :)


what are all of the steps you did to make the levels? also what are you using for the floor? how di you do that????
This is the bottom floor of my bunnies' cage. They were only on the top level until for almost 2 months until I got used to them, and they got used to me. Plus they are basically litter trained, for the most part.

I wrapped a carpet runner around the plastic base board. I filled downstairs with fun things for them to play with. I also put in a small corner litter pan, however they are sticking to the one they are used to on the top level. They LOVE running all over and are having so much fun. Right now I'm finding Vita (in photo) is lounging downstairs in her new "spot". And her sister Noxe is on the second level at the top of the ramp. I hope that they don't separate from each other. Usually they lounge on top of each other.

PapaJoe wrote:
This is the bottom floor of my bunnies' cage. They were only on the top level until for almost 2 months until I got used to them, and they got used to me. Plus they are basically litter trained, for the most part.

I wrapped a carpet runner around the plastic base board. I filled downstairs with fun things for them to play with. I also put in a small corner litter pan, however they are sticking to the one they are used to on the top level. They LOVE running all over and are having so much fun. Right now I'm finding Vita (in photo) is lounging downstairs in her new "spot". And her sister Noxe is on the second level at the top of the ramp. I hope that they don't separate from each other. Usually they lounge on top of each other.

Looks awesome! I'm almost done potty training domino and then I have to work on her sister coming home today, but I intend on doing something similar to this style, but mine will be a 3x2x3 for the top and bottom. I don't want to crowd my room so I'd rather build up. Really like yours!! Great ideas!
Absolute Great Set Up! And have to see excellent on the potty training. I truly believe girls catch on faster than boys. It took my boys longer to get where your girls are now.

Just a heads up, watch around 4 months or maybe 5 months because your girls are mini lops, but they might start pooping in areas of their crate and outside of their crate. That's when territorial pooping starts. If you plan to spay, they will get their good pooping habit back since they caught on so fast.

And regarding them resting in different areas, don't fret. They are just finding their own spaces. I believe bunnies are individuals and need individual spaces of their own, toys of their own, but will still go to each other for the grooming and snuggles. For friendship.


Adding mine here as well in case people can get some ideas from it:

When we got Crumble, I had to come up with a place to keep him and with my allergies being so bad, I didn't want him constantly in my face either. Because of this, I felt the hobby room was the ideal place as it is small, we keep the guinea pigs and Puck's kennel there, and it's easier to filter with air with the air purifier anddoor to the outside. I decided that the space under the guinea pigs was great as it wouldn't mean having an extra cage in the way so I decided that that's what I would use.

As you can see from this picture, the guinea pig cage is a table we built ourselves. They are on top. We sealed off the bottom with playpen panels and cable ties to enclose the space, giving him a 120cm x 60cm permanent space:


I firsttaped a transparent painter's plastic sheet against the walls to protect them from any future spraying and splashing. For the floor, I used a heavy blue plastic tarp found in many stores. It is folded over and comes up a bit in order to keep the transparent sheet out of reach so that Crumble cannot chew it. Because the tarp is a bit threaded, I was concerned that he would figure how to pull it up and chew it so I needed something else on top. I came up with the idea of vinyl flooring (I suggest vinyl flooring rather than a vinyl tablecloth since it is much much thicker and heavier, plus it's easily wipeable!) which we bought for cheap at 3.29€ per m2. (We had to buy a minimum of 4 since that is the width of the roll but that's still cheap at about 13€) For the hay rack, we found a cool rack in the section with the dishracks and it fit perfectly when flipped over. It even attaches itself! It's great because it's big and Crumble loves hay, but it doesn't take much space since it is attached. The 'bed' is an old nestbox we built for Giggles when Rolo was born. I will probably paint it. :)Okay then there is your standard litter corner (with cotton bedding as it is heaven-sent for me with the allergies) and a bunch of toys.


Better view of the rack:


Using simple hooks and a wooden dowel, I was able to create a 'hanger' to hang toys from:


A view with Crumble in:


Though the space is 'acceptable' it's not hugebut ifyou look again at this picture...:


you'll will notice that the front panels open up, acting like a door. Using those doors, I can easily attach more playpen panels to create a run, giving him more space to play in. I cannot leave this permanently as it blocks the door, but while it's not in use, I can do that. :)If I am able to anddecide to keep him indoors, I will probably add him a second level. :)I still need to paint the table itself, and add a clip-on light for Crumble, but so far this setup works great for us. :biggrin:

3x3x3 one bunny housing o.o yes only one spoiled bun lives here. (Sorry about the phone pic)

Bottom floor is the puzzle play foam wrapped in shower curtain lining on both sides. Top 2 are blankets.

When baby Moose is bigger and potty trained I'll probably give him the top floor.
hi , I am so sorry , but right now I do not have pictures of my rabbits condo so just to give you an idea:
it is a nic condo-2x3x2(I know its small, but because we are in process of bonding the rabbits ,it s not good to have a big cage ....but in the future we will had one more level.So...rigth now its like funnybunnymummy cage but without the last has white coroplast with phothos and names of my rabbits it has a big litterbox in bottom and a grass mat with a hanging chew toy and some toiletpaper has a hidehouse in the left part of the second level and a basket fill with hay in the other part of the second level., in the middel of the parts it has a bridge made out of the wooden sticks hide house thas is attached to the sides with zip ties.....

Does anyone have their bun in a dog crate with x-pen attached. I've seen some pictures but I'd like more ideas. I know there isn't much you can do, but I want to add a second level into the kennel when I get it and I don't know how.

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