Adding mine here as well in case people can get some ideas from it:
When we got Crumble, I had to come up with a place to keep him and with my allergies being so bad, I didn't want him constantly in my face either. Because of this, I felt the hobby room was the ideal place as it is small, we keep the guinea pigs and Puck's kennel there, and it's easier to filter with air with the air purifier anddoor to the outside. I decided that the space under the guinea pigs was great as it wouldn't mean having an extra cage in the way so I decided that that's what I would use.
As you can see from this picture, the guinea pig cage is a table we built ourselves. They are on top. We sealed off the bottom with playpen panels and cable ties to enclose the space, giving him a 120cm x 60cm permanent space:
I firsttaped a transparent painter's plastic sheet against the walls to protect them from any future spraying and splashing. For the floor, I used a heavy blue plastic tarp found in many stores. It is folded over and comes up a bit in order to keep the transparent sheet out of reach so that Crumble cannot chew it. Because the tarp is a bit threaded, I was concerned that he would figure how to pull it up and chew it so I needed something else on top. I came up with the idea of vinyl flooring (I suggest vinyl flooring rather than a vinyl tablecloth since it is much much thicker and heavier, plus it's easily wipeable!) which we bought for cheap at 3.29⬠per m2. (We had to buy a minimum of 4 since that is the width of the roll but that's still cheap at about 13â¬) For the hay rack, we found a cool rack in the section with the dishracks and it fit perfectly when flipped over. It even attaches itself! It's great because it's big and Crumble loves hay, but it doesn't take much space since it is attached. The 'bed' is an old nestbox we built for Giggles when Rolo was born. I will probably paint it.

Okay then there is your standard litter corner (with cotton bedding as it is heaven-sent for me with the allergies) and a bunch of toys.
Better view of the rack:
Using simple hooks and a wooden dowel, I was able to create a 'hanger' to hang toys from:
A view with Crumble in:
Though the space is 'acceptable' it's not hugebut ifyou look again at this picture...:
you'll will notice that the front panels open up, acting like a door. Using those doors, I can easily attach more playpen panels to create a run, giving him more space to play in. I cannot leave this permanently as it blocks the door, but while it's not in use, I can do that.

If I am able to anddecide to keep him indoors, I will probably add him a second level.

I still need to paint the table itself, and add a clip-on light for Crumble, but so far this setup works great for us. :biggrin: