Love your sense of humor... and glad to hear you are home.
Silly surgery stories to share - Percoset made me hallucinate... told the docs no more of that stuff when I "saw" my surgeon coming down the hall with a pair of comic book googley eyeglasses on and a butcher knife in his hand... then I dreamt the delivery room nurses hid my baby (he's almost 18 now) and wouldn't give him back...
My big thing about surgery (and I have had 4 knee surgeries with an ACL repair pending) is that they ALWAYS take my skivvies (panties, knickers... whatever you want to call them) away. I actually made a pair labeled "Leave the Panties On" for my recent gallbladder surgery (much to my hubby's horror)... the prep nurses said (after a few giggles) they were in the surgeon's field (normally my insulin pump would be clipped to them if they take my bra away) and I would have to remove them...and the insulin pump.
During one of my knee surgeries, after the fact, one of the nurses would not give my underwear back to me...she told me "everyone's butt hangs out." My argument was it is MY butt hanging out and sorry, but I am not going there (again, being em-barr-assed is not my thing) LOL.
I used my crutches to reach my bag and fished a pair of underwear roommate was in stitches listening to me banter on about my underwear... and she offered me some of her candy that she had received since I made her day.
Hope you recover quickly and can get back on the horse who injured you!