Haven't read through this post for a couple days, so bear with the old responses...hehe!!
I know what you mean and agree completely. My husband wasn't quite a HUGE animal-lover when I met him, but he is a very loving person, and respected my large love for animals, so okayed getting a kitten back when we found out my (now-ex) boss' female kitties had gotten pregnant from the local tom cat (they weren't very nice to their kitties, but they were a couple of healthy girls...I spent more time loving them than they did...sadly enough). The girls are spayed now (thanks to my taking the time to take them to and from the vet...sheesh), thank goodness, but anyway...
When we found out the girls were pregnant, he agreed with me that it would be good for me to have an animal again (I hadn't had cats for quite a while, and we'd just moved in together), so we agreed to spend lots of time with the girls while they were pregnant, making sure they were well-fed and loved, and when the kittens were born, I spent lots of time with the litters learning their personalities and if they were human-interested, etc. The first litter didn't seem to interested in me, so we waited for the second to arrive (which only took about a week), and met beautiful Sunny (who quickly made sure we knew Hobbes was part of the deal in bringing her home). They are two of the absolute sweetest, most well-behaved kitties I've ever had...really special little beasties!!
It took my husband a bit of time to baby-talk with them, but he sure did eventually! Then when I saw Maisie at my daughter's school (a class-mate of hers brought the litter over), I knew she was the bun for me!! Took just one night of convincing for him to agree to bringing her home, and he was baby-talking with her the NIGHT she came home!! Same thing when we rescued Flower!
He's not particularly an animal-lover, persay, but he has nothing against them either. He respects and loves my love for them, and though he wouldn't normally have even a single animal, he really loves ours, and has really enjoyed having them here with us. He's never opposed to doing ANYTHING with them, and I've caught him actually playing with them when I wasn't around! My husband is a true gem...he wasn't particularly interested in animals before, but now with them having been around for a couple years, his heart has officially turned to mush about them (even though, just now talking to him about this on the phone, he swears that's not the case...hehe!!).
So, no, he's not the biggest animal-lover out there, but he loves me, and we've worked together to create an environment that makes both of us happy. He's never, ever given me the impression that he doesn't like the animals (quite the contrary), and has never made any antagonistic comments about them or threatened them to have to go, or anything close. Though he's not as in love with them as I am, he most certainly is in love with them.
I would have never married him had I not seen the potential there for him to be okay with animals.

It's just never fun to be in love with someone that doesn't respect EVERYTHING about you.
Sorry for the long post, guys...hehe!
MyBabyBunnies wrote:
Allison, you read my mind! I am the same way -- if my animals don't love him and he doesn't love my animals, well good bye him! My animals come first and they were here first so they have seniority. It's like if your a single parent and dating someone, would you date/marry someone who doesn't like your kid? After all, they are my furkids.