Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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Karen and I had a cat we named Squeak. Like you said with Snooch, Squeak, didn't meow, she squeaked. It too was a very pitiful sound, cute but pitiful.
Never challenge paranormal

Okay, here's the thing: You would think that at my age (30-something plus a decade or two), I'd know better by now. When living alone, in an older house with creaks and bumps and bemoanings, AND having had numerous...um...let's just say...ODD...things happen in the past, well, you think I'd know better than to rent - and watch - a movie called 'Paranormal Activity'. Alone.

Yes, you think I'd know better. And truthfully, I did. But, being a fan of scary movies that are at least somewhat gore-free, I just couldn't resist. So on Saturday evening I sat back, popcorn in hand, movie ordered, and pushed play.

For those of you who haven't seen it, Paranormal Activity is about two young adults who have just begun living together and are getting along famously. No lies, no false pretenses; just a fun couple who enjoy each others' company. And they seem to be quite open and honest with one another, except for one small detail the girl forgot to mention to her boyfriend: ever since she was eight years old, there had been this *entity* following her around, creating bumps in the night, mischievous, unexplained happenings, and other minor annoyances.

The boyfriend, who has purchased a video camera and has finally been told about this minor factoid, decides to set the camera up in their bedroom and let it record all night, in an attempt to capture on screen whatever it is that has been lusting after his girl. At first the events are so minute as to be almost unnoticeable, but, as is with all good scary movies, things intensify greatly as the film progresses. I won't give away what happens, but I must say, this movie scared the Q@#$% outta me.

And what frightened me more than anything is the fact that many of the spooky little events that were described by the girlfriend have happened to me. This in itself I found to be rather disturbing, but I kept saying, 'It's only a movie', 'It's only a movie' and 'What happened to you is explainable', 'Imagination gone wild, etc.'. But then, during the middle of the movie, the boyfriend (in one of his not-so-brighter moves) brings a Ouija board into the house, whereupon said entity decides to leave some sort of encrypted message on its surface while they are out.

Okay, so I'm watching this (head half buried under sofa throw, convinced this is a protective enough shield) and am not doing too badly, when the boyfriend says to the girl, 'Hey, do you know anyone named 'Deanna or Diane?' (Not quoting word for word, my brain is still kinda quaking.) When she says no, and asks why, he says he's been trying to figure out what the entity's written message means. And then they pan down to the paper he's been writing on, where it shows all sorts of letters that the boyfriend's scribbled about...and right before the frame changes I notice what is written at the top of the paper, in the corner:

"Goodbye Di"


Well, I admit it; I'm a big chicken at the best of times. But this kinda freaked me out, esp. after being able to relate to many of the haunting stories the girlfriend had described. But I still decide to watch the rest of the movie, and, since it was quite early in the evening, then scramble to watch every inane, oddball comedy that's being aired afterward, in an effort to wipe the movie out of my mind. And I thought it had worked; I went to bed so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I reached for the light, went to turn it out, and that's when I heard


come from somewhere in the house. Now, I know what you're all thinking, but nope, it wasn't Yofi. Nor was I really too keen on investigating to find out the source. So instead of turning out the light I left it on, scant solace for a girl with a huge imagination and even bigger fear factor.

One thing I did find out about myself after all of this, though: I can actually fall asleep with the light left on all night.

*And as a footnote to this, I must add: About half an hour ago I was cleaning out the rabbits' cage when I thought about posting this story here. As soon as I did I began getting nervous, recalling the details of the movie and how it had affected me, and for a moment thought, maybe it's a bad idea to write about it...since it HAD frightened me and all that. But just as quickly I thought, nah...it's kinda funny really...and after all, it's not like I shouldn't write about it, right? I mean, what unseen 'something' here would mind?

And as soon as that thought crossed my mind, a huge bag of hay fell from the top of the dresser and WHAMMED onto the floor, full force.

Bassetluv wrote:
And as soon as that thought crossed my mind, a huge bag of hay fell from the top of the dresser and WHAMMED onto the floor, full force.

Yofi got you! In hisever churning mind of plans, he noticed how scared you were getting and set up the hay to fall precisely at the right moment. No doubt Anna played along.
aaahhhh....so that's what it was! I shoulda known Yofi would be the mastermind. Oh, and yes, I'm learning that Anna is not as innocent as she seems, so she'd definitely have been the second annabanana to Yofi's scheming. :p

Lol, I just found that you have a new blog! I just read it all and got caught up with your lives.

As others have said: I LOVE the Yofi-kissin-Anna picture! What a Casanova! And what a huge bunny tongue!

And how nice to hear about and see pics of your former furry friends. (As well as the one of Chris...he was a little cutie!)

Tell Yofi I am feelin his pain...I too was diagnosed with arthiritis at a youngish age. I'm glad that it doesn't slow him down any. Personally, I live on Aleve (aka, Naporoxen). Taken daily, it keeps the inflammation in check 90% of the time. Being in good physical condition (since he gets so MUCH physical activity!) might keep the arthiritis at bay for a bit, too.

LOVE the Yofi-kissin-Anna picture! What a Casanova! And what a huge bunny tongue!

I know...doesn't he have the longest tongue?? I call him the Gene Simmons of the bunny world. :biggrin2:

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been putting up with arthritis all this time, wabbitmom...though am glad to hear that anti-inflammatories do help. I know a cousin of mine had a little boy who was diagnosed with arthritis when he was very, very young; maybe around 4 or 5 or so(?), it's hard to remember now. I never did know what happened to him, as we lost all contact with most of our cousins many years ago (sadly, that cousin of mine and his wife both died in a motorcycle accident several years ago). I've often wondered though, how their little boy made out.

Arthritis seems to run in my family...my dad has it, distant family relatives have had it, and I highly suspect I do as well (although my doctor doesn't seem to want to investigate). I hope it doesn't affect you too much, as I know it can be very painful if it flares. So far with Yofi, he's not shown signs of pain or discomfort (crossing fingers). Oh, and my dog and cat both have beginning stages of arthritis as well! We'll all be keeping the manufacturers of glucosamine in business. ;)
LOL...forgot to add something about that tongue picture...apparently it won first place in a Bunspace photo contest for Valentine's Day. I didn't even know until I got messages from some of the members congratulating Yofi!
I've been typing on the Mac ever since Christmas! Only a couple of minor snags with it; it doesn't seem to be as forum-friendly as the PC I had (though maybe it has to do with settings). For instance, I used to be able to swipe text and put tags around said text, but now it inserts tags at the end, instead of around. Or if I'm typing a message and try to arrow down the end of what I'm typing, the entire thing goes to the end of the screen. Minor annoyances. And my old PC is working out better than it ever did as a computer; I now use it as a blockade to keep some (no names mentioned) curious bunnies away from lamp wires. I always knew PCs were good for something. :p
Oh yeah, speaking of bunnies of the curious variety, I saw a rather funny sight the other night. I could hear shuffling going on behind the sofa, so I snuck a peek over the edge and saw two rather *pleasantly plump* rabbits performing a backward bunny shuffle. Apparently the PC was not doing its job in blockading very well, because both Yofi and Anna (with Anna in the lead this time) had broken through barriers and got themselves wedged between the sofa and the heat register. Since there was barely enough room for them to squeeze through, let alone turn around, and the frontward path they were taking led to a dead end, both of them went into *Reverse! Reverse!* mode, and I peered over just in time to see the two of them, bunny butts wriggling back and forth in perfect unison, attempting to back their way out of the situation. If only I'd had my camera in hand to videotape this weird visual...it was like watching a sort of synchronized bunny dance, only in reverse. And led by their rear ends.

Oh, and I meant to mention too, that I think Yofi's *Yofitude* is beginning to rub off on my sweet little Anna. Yesterday morning I went into their room and was trying to give them each some baby carrots, but someone became rather impatient, as Yofi managed to get one ahead of her...so instead of waiting an extra two seconds for me to dig one out of the bag for her, Anna came at me, all fistacuffs and fluffy fury. She got up on her hind legs and began boxing at me with her paws, apparently thinking she could KO me and get all of the goods for herself.

I tell ya, it's hard living with these two...
It is defiantely no boring with those too. That would have been a great picture of those two bunny butts. Could be a new Olympic event, synchronized bunny butt dancing!
Bassetluv wrote:
She got up on her hind legs and began boxing at me with her paws, apparently thinking she could KO me and get all of the goods for herself.

I tell ya, it's hard living with these two...
Another Olympic event!! Bunny boxing!! :biggrin2:
Oh, I know...I'd love to have all sorts of videos of both Yofi and Anna, but my camera is slowly breaking down. When I try to take videos with it now, they turn out quite grainy and dark, and the last time I tried, the sound wasn't working either. Darned thing (well, I did buy it quite a while ago, and second-hand to boot).

Come to think of it, maybe Yofi's been rabbitauging it so I won't have any evidence to incriminate him...:ponder:
Bassetluv wrote:
Oh, I know...I'd love to have all sorts of videos of both Yofi and Anna, but my camera is slowly breaking down. When I try to take videos with it now, they turn out quite grainy and dark, and the last time I tried, the sound wasn't working either. Darned thing (well, I did buy it quite a while ago, and second-hand to boot).

Come to think of it, maybe Yofi's been rabbitauging it so I won't have any evidence to incriminate him...:ponder:
You know I wouldn't put it past him or Anna. Actually Anna, since she would like to keep her "who me? I wouldn't do that, must have been Yofi' reputation.
Yay! I'm so pleased I found your new blog. I missed my Yofi/Anna/Kaya/Kitty fix.

Pretty creepy about the Paranormal movie :shock:. I don't think any amount of comedy shows would have wiped it from my mind!

I have read through your blog and love it. Yofi and Anna are too cute! And I really enjoyed the pictures of your past pets and reading about them.It also brought back fond memories of some of my past pets - and thank you for that.

Thanks for sharing your story about Raph. From his picture, he looks like he was an absolute wonderful, irresistible sweetheart!

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