They're probably still fussing over dominance. You can let them pull a little fur, as long as they aren't catching the skin or getting vicious about it. It's one of the ways they establish dominance.
Speeding it up will do one of 2 things 99% of the time -- make it take longer or ruin all chances of bonding them at all.
You need to be patient and take things slowly especially with a pair that is already hard to bond. I know you've probably heard this but Rome wasn't built in a day. Even my bunnies who got along great from the first session took 3 weeks to completely bond.
its been almost six months that i have been trying this, its frusterating. they only had one fight before and that was about 4 months ago. they usually groom and snuggle each other for about 4 hours a day, but sometimes they want to nip each other and i am confused rather to put them on non nuetral territory yet or not. they seem so relaxed together
This is what I went by -- if my bunnies could go a full week without any nipping or fighting, then it was time to move on to the next step but not until then.
tomorrow (unless they mess up today) they will spend some time on non-nuetral territory. they have been doing great for about a week and a half. i guess i will watch them really closely on non nuetral territory and at the first sign of tension i will put them away. this is very nerve racking for me and i know thats not good for the bunnies.
oh yeah, i forgot to mention that there is really no "non nuetral territory" i switch out thier cages everyday, and they share the play area in shifts. maybe it wont be hard