Yay Babbies have arrived

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How wonderful, Robert. Baby bunnies are so muchfun. Are you going to keep all of them, or have you found homes for thenew buns? The mom is gorgeous. I love her coloring.
Well Elfmommy, I am prolly going to keep 2 or 3if they are females and my aunt and uncle want a couple so well have tosee what sex they are.

- Robert - Pictures should be up by tonight or this afternoon
I thought that picture was great its only one ofthe bunnys with his eye open. The first thing i thought ofwhen i looked at him/her today was its name should be Thumper


Well Its about 90 degrees here today the nicestits been in a while and the babies eyes are all open and most of themare starting to move around in the hutch area so there getiin prettycurious these are growing faster than the others as some of there eyesdidn't open until like 3 weeks on one or two of them.



Well there are two of them.

roberts_rabbits_2008 wrote:
Here are some pictures of the last few days.


This is them 8 days old.


Here they are again at 9 days old.


10 days old witch is today.


Heres momma smelling all her babbies.


Theres momma guarding her babbies.

Well thats all of the pictures for now hope you like them. RObert
That doe is beautiful!!!!!!!!! I want 1

Here are a few pictures of the little ones.

I thought that this picture was just great there are two of the babbiesand they look like they are hugging laying next to each other.


Well here are a few pictures of the gang at 15 days old.



Well theres a few pictures.

Awww they'reall so cute!!!! From littlelumps of fur to bigger lumps of fur, great job keeping us updated! Awwwi keep staring at the pictures, they're just SO CUTE!
Well i haven't updated in a few days with schooland all but all the babbies are doing great moving all about eating andstuff. I have a picture i just took and they will already be3 weeks old tommorow. Well i can't get the picture to work so i willtry again later.


