Welcome Elf Mommy!
I can't stop laughing at All That Cuteness of Elf! She actually posesfor you. You lucky dog! (I can't stop looking at those pictures either,Pam.)
What a Life this Elf has! Miss: Look-at-Me-Because-I'm-Cool-AND-Gorgeous!
And that little white cottontail! That Bright White Cottontail!!! WhatFun! Thank you So Much for sharing your little treasure with us.
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Dear BatBunny,
It's most admirable the work that you are doing for people that need it the most. Thank God for people like you.
No worries about neutering. It's not bad. If you consider the odds, most bunnies are completely fine.
It's always a worry when your bunny goes under medication, but sincehe's healthy, of a good age to get fixed, and loves life and you asmuch as he clearly does from your previous post, I'd bet the farm on itthat he'll be fine.
We'll help you along when the time comes.